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  • Title

    Modification and Application of Synthetic Technique for Polyacrylic Acid Dispersant of Coal Water Slurry

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  • 摘要
    针对聚丙烯酸系单体聚合浓度低、聚合温度高的缺点,以丙烯酸聚乙二醇酯、丙烯酸、苯乙烯磺酸钠、甲基丙烯酸、苯乙烯等为共聚单体,60℃时,在引发剂n(NaHSO3)∶n(K2S2O8)=5∶6,过硫酸钾用量为单体质量的8%(质量分数),链转移剂异丙醇用量为单体质量的55%(质量分数)时,制备了聚丙烯酸系水煤浆分散剂。同时考察了温度、过硫酸钾用量、亚硫酸氢钠与过硫酸钾物质的量比、异丙醇用量对分散剂性能的影响。改进后的合成工艺使单体聚合浓度提高了16.3%,聚合温度降低了40℃。利用合成的分散剂对3种煤进行了成浆试验,在分散剂用量为干基煤的0.4%(质量分数)时,对于鸡西烟煤和马头精煤,当制浆浓度为72%时,水煤浆表观黏度最低值分别为850、670 mPa.s;对于宝日褐煤,当制浆浓度为53%时,水煤浆表观黏度最低值为550 mPa.s。
  • Abstract
    According to the low monomer polymerized density of the polyacrylic acid and the high polymerized temperature disadvantages, the polyacrylic acid disp ersant of the coal water slurry was prepared with the acrylic acid glycol ester, acrylic acid, styrene sulphonic acid sodium, methyl acrylic acid, styrene as copolymerizati on monomer, under the temperature of 60 °C, when the initiator n (NaHSO3) : n (K2S2O8)= 5:6, the dosage of potassium persulfate was 8% of the monomer quality, t he dosage of different propyl alcohol of the chain transfer agent was 55% of the monomer quality.Meanwhile the paper investigated the temperature, the dosage of the potassium persulfate, n (NaHSO3) : n (K2S2O8) ratio, the dosage of different propyI alcohol affected to the performances of the dispersant.The modified compound tec hnique could improve the monomer polymerized density with 16.3% and could reduce the polymerized temperature with 40 °C.The slurry preparation tests of three kind coal were conducted with the synthetic dispersant.When the dosage of the dispersant was 0.4% (quantity fraction) of the dry coal and the prepared slurry density was 7 2%, the min apparent viscosity value of the coal water slurry made from Jixi bituminous coal and Matou cleaned coal would be 850 and 670 mPa.s individually.As for th e Baori lignite, when the prepared slurry density was 53%,the min apparent viscosity value of the coal water slurry would be 550 mPas.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal water slurry;polyacrylic-acid;dispersant;viscosity;

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