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  • Title

    Support Technology of Large Cross Section Open-off Cut for Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining Face in Ultra Thick Seam

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  • 摘要
    为了解决塔山煤矿综放工作面跨度10 m切眼的支护难题,采用理论分析、数值计算方法确定了大跨度切眼的支护形式为高强度锚杆、组合锚索、W钢带、金属网、混凝土联合支护,以形成群锚封闭效应,维护切眼巷道围岩的稳定性和安全性。试验中锚索锚固力达140~160 kN,锚固区内顶板最大离层值7 mm,顶底板移近量最大值38 mm,试验结果表明,设计提出的锚杆-组合锚索-混凝土支护提高了支护结构的整体承载力,有效控制了切眼巷道围岩的变形,保证了大断面切眼的安全使用。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the support dificulty of the open-off cut with a span of 10 m for the fully mechanized top coal caving mining face in Tashan Mine, the th eoretical analysis and the numerical calculation method was applied to set up the high strength bolt, the built-up anchor, the W steel band, the steel mesh and the concr ete combined support as the large span open-off cut support mode in order to form a group bolt closed effect and to keep the surrounding rock stability of the open-off C ut and the safety.During the test, the anchorage force of the anchor reached at 1401 60 kN, the max separation value of the roof in the anchorage zone was 7 mm and th e max convergence value between the roof and floor was 38 mm.The test results showed that the bolt-built-up anchor-concrete combined support proposed in the desig n could improve the integrated bearing force of the support structure, could effectively control the surrounding rock deformation of the open-off cut and could ensure the safety application of the large cross section open-off cut.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ultra thick seam;fully mechanized top coal caving mining face;large cross section open-off cut;bolt group support;

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