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  • Title

    Study on Comparison and Analysis on Pressure Releasing Effect of Boreholes in Soft and Hard Seam

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  • 摘要
    为分析冲击矿压矿井软煤层钻孔卸压效果比硬煤层好这一问题,通过采用有限元数值模拟软件FLAC对软及硬煤层的大直径钻孔卸压效果进行了分析研究,结果表明:当钻孔深度达到10~15 m时,软煤体内应力35 MPa,硬煤体内应力29 MPa,并且软煤体35 MPa的应力大于硬煤体29MPa的应力,从而说明软煤层中实施钻孔卸压效果较好,硬煤层中钻孔卸压效果较差,最后对张双楼煤矿7123工作面实施大直径钻孔卸压,卸压效果与数值模拟结果一致。
  • Abstract
    In order to analyze a issue of the borehole pressure releasing effect in the soft seam better than the borehole pressure releasing effect in the hard seam of the mine with mine pressure bumping, the finite element numerical simulation software FLAC was applied to the analysis and study on the large diameter borehole pr essure releasing effects in soft seam and hard seam.The results showed that when the borehole depth reached at 1015 m, the inner stress of the soft seam would be 35 MPa and the inner of the hard seam would be 29 MPa.The 35 MPa stress scope of the soft seam would be higher than the 29 MPa stress of the hard seam.Therefore th e borehole pressure releasing effect conducted in the soft seam would be good and the borehole pressure releasing effect conducted in the hard seam would be poor.T he large diameter borehole pressure releasing operation was conducted in No.7123 coal mining face of Zhangshuanglou Mine and the pressure releasing effect was the same to the numerical simulation results.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine pressure bumping;large diameter;borehole pressure releasing;numerical simulation;stress concentration;pressure releasing effect;

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