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  • Title

    Roof Support Technology of Open-Off Cut for Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Face Under Goaf Area

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  • 摘要
    为了研究采空区下方综采工作面切眼支护技术,针对北峪煤矿3-101综采工作面切眼宽6.5 m、顶板距上层煤采空区最小只有0.8 m且被采空区积水浸泡软化等特点,依据工程类比法提出,采用W钢带与长2.5 m的水力膨胀锚杆组合支护采空区下方工作面切眼顶板,锚杆间距750mm,排距500~700 mm,两帮可不进行支护。该技术在现场实施后,切眼顶底板相对移近量最大75 mm,有效地解决了采空区下极近距离综采工作面切眼顶板支护问题。
  • Abstract
    In order to study the roof support technology of the open-off cut for the fully mechanized coal mining face under the goaf, according to the 6.5 m width 0 pen-off cut of No.3-101 fully mechanized coal mining face in Beiyu Mine, a face roof distance of 0.8 m to above seam goaf and the watery softened floor features of the above goaf, based on the engineering analogy, the W-type steel bands and the 2.5 m long hydraulic swelling anchors were applied to the combined support of the open- off cut of the coal mining face under the above seam goaf.The space between the bolts was 750 mm and the row space between the bolts was 500 00 mm.The two side walls of the open-off cut could not be supported.After the combined roof support technology applied to the site operation, the max relative convergence between the roo f and floor of the open-off cut was 75 mm.Thus the roof support problem of the open-off cut for the fully mechanized coal mining face with a extreme short distance to th e above seam goaf was effectively solved.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    goaf;ultra thin roof;open-off cut of fully mechanized coal mining;hydraulic swelling bolt;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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