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  • Title

    Study on Wireless Mesh Network Applied to Remote Monitoring and Control of Electromechanical Equipment in Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Face

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  • 摘要
    为了实现煤矿综采工作面机电装备的远程监控,分析了有线工业以太网、传统无线通信方式及新型技术Z igbee等在煤矿井下应用的优缺点;提出基于无线Mesh技术研发本安型无线网络系统;构建了煤矿综采工作面机电设备的无线Mesh网络;阐述了其总体架构、节点的设计原则及其工作原理。在平煤股份二矿进行的工业性试验结果表明:根据工作面的长度和坡度,选择一定数量的无线Mesh交换机,以接收信号强度-85 dBm为临界点,调整Mesh交换机之间的距离,一般以任意2个Mesh交换机间的距离不超过66 m为宜,且交换机的天线要水平或向上安装,可使该无线Mesh网络在煤矿综采工作面具有良好的通信效果,能够满足机电装备工况数据和视频传输的需求。
  • Abstract
    In order to realize the remote control of the electromechanical equipment applied to the fully mechanized coal mining face, the paper analyzed the advan tages and disadvantages of the wire industrial ethernet, traditional wireless communication way and the new technical Zigbee and others applied to the underground mi ne. The research and development of the intrinsic safe wireless network system was provided based on the wireless Mesh technology and a wireless Mesh network was established for the electromechanical equipment of the fully mechanized coal mining face.The paper stated the design principle and operation theory of the general fra me and the nodes.The industrial trial results from No.2 Mine of Pingdingshan Coal Mining Group showed that according to the length and slope of the coal mining face, a certain amount of wireless Mesh switchboards was selected. The critical value of the received signal strength would be-85 dBm.The distance between the Mesh switch boards was adjusted and generally the disposable distance between the two Mesh switchboards would not be over 66 m.The antenna of the switchboard should be inst alled in horizontal or upward.Thus the wireless Mesh network would have excellent communication effect in the fully mechanized coal mining face and could meet the re quirements of the performances data and video transmission of the electromechanical equipment.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fully mechanized coal mining face;wireless Mesh network;mine communication;remote monitring and control;

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