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  • Title

    Study on Coal Conductive Properties of Different Coal Structure

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  • 摘要
    为了从测井曲线中正确解译出原生结构煤和构造煤,指导煤矿安全生产和煤层气开发,使用4263B型LCR参数测试仪测试了频率1、10、100 kHz下原生结构煤和构造煤的视电阻率。测试结果表明:构造煤的视电阻率小于原生结构煤的视电阻率;在烟煤阶段煤岩的视电阻率随变质程度增加而增加,而到了无烟煤阶段突然减小;煤的视电阻率与测试频率成反比;煤的导电性具有各向异性特征,煤的不同极化方向视电阻率不同。对原生结构煤和构造煤导电性差异的研究有助于提高测井曲线解译的准确率。
  • Abstract
    In order to correctly explain the primary structure coal and structure coal from the logging curves for the guidance of the mine safety production and coal bed methane development, the 4263B mode LCR parameter measuring meter was applied to measure the apparent resistance rate of the primary structure coal and str ucture coal under the different frequency of 1、10、100 kHz.The measuring results showed that the apparent resistance rate of the structure coal would be lower than t he apparent resistance rate of the primary structure coal, the apparent resistance rate of the coal and rock in the bituminous coal stage would be increased with the incr easing of the metamorphism degree and would be decreased when in the anthracite coal stage.The coal apparent resistance rate would be inversely proportional to the test frequency, the conductivity of coal would have anisotropic features and the coal resistance rate in the different polarization direction would be different.The study 0 n the conductivity difference of the primary structure coal and structure coal would be favorable to improve the accuracy of the logging curve explanation.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    structure coal:primary structure coal;apparent resistance rate;logging curve;anisotropic;

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