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  • Title

    Structure Development Law and Evolution to Gas Control in Qinglong Mine

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  • 摘要
    为了预防和防止青龙矿瓦斯事故的发生,在系统整理、分析青龙矿地质资料和瓦斯资料的基础上,结合区域构造演化分析,探讨了青龙矿构造发育规律及其演化特征,阐述了矿井瓦斯赋存的构造控制作用,并对瓦斯突出危险区进行了预测。结果表明:青龙矿构造定型于燕山期,构造复杂程度属中等-复杂,逆断层发育,瓦斯含量较高,各煤层瓦斯含量几乎都大于10 m3/t;结合煤层埋深和构造煤分布规律分析认为井田西南部构造复杂区为瓦斯突出危险区,东部(浅部)为瓦斯突出威胁区。
  • Abstract
    In order to prevent the gas accidents occurred in Qinglong Mine, based on the systematic regulation and analysis on the geological information and gas i nformation of Qinglong Mine, in combination with the analysis on the regional structure evolution, the paper had a discussion on the structure development law and evol ution features of Qinglong Mine, an introduction on the structure control effect of the mine gas deposits and a prediction on the gas outburst danger areas. The results s howed that the structure formation of the Qinglong Mine was in Yanshan period, the structural complexity was medium-complicated, the reversed fault was developed, t he gas content was high and the gas content of each seam almost was over 10 m3/t.In combination with the analysis on the seam depth and structure coal distribution | aw, it held that the structure complicated area in the south-west part of the minefield was a gas outburst danger area and the east part of the minefield was a gas outbur st threatened area.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    tectonic development law;tectonic evolution;gas;gas content;

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