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  • Title

    Analysis on Gas Emission Law of Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining Face

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  • 摘要
    为给解决高瓦斯单一低透气性难抽煤层综放开采工作面上隅角瓦斯积聚难题提供数据支持,采用控制单元体法,进行立体网格状的测点布置,对某工作面瓦斯浓度三维分布进行了测定和分析,绘制了瓦斯浓度分布等值线图,根据数据分析结果及瓦斯守恒方程和风量守恒方程,获得了采煤时采空区瓦斯涌出总量为1.77 m3/min;煤壁瓦斯涌出量为2.30 m3/min;落煤瓦斯涌出量为1.87 m3/min;工作面风排瓦斯总量为11.88 m3/min;工作面落煤、煤壁和采空区瓦斯涌出量的比值分别为31.5%、38.7%、29.8%。
  • Abstract
    In order to provide the data support for the resolution of the upper corner gas accumulation problems in the fully mechanized top coal caving mining face in the high gassy low permeability and difficult drainage seam, the controlled single element method was applied to the layout of the cubic mesh type measuring points. The measurement and analysis was conducted on the gas density 3D distribution of the coal mining face and the isoline figure of the gas density distribution was draw n.According the data analysis results as well as the gas conservation equation and the air flow conservation equation, the total gas emission quantity in the goaf during the coal mining period was 1.77 m3/min and the gas emission quantity from the coal walls was 2.30 m3/min.The emission quantity of the cut coal was 1 87 m3/min.The total ventilation discharged gas quantity of the coal mining face was 11.88 m3/min.The ratio of the gas emission quantity from the cut coal, coal wall and goaf was 31. 5%, 38.7% and 29.8% individually.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas distribution;isoline;emission component;fully mechanized top coal caving mining face;upper corner gas control;controlled single element method;

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