• 全部
  • Title

    Suppression of methane / air flame propagation in large scale pipelines by clouds of ultrafine powders

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Xin-qun1 ,KONG Li-li1 ,XU Hai-shun1 ,Piotr Wolanski2

  • 单位

    中国计量大学安全工程研究所Warsaw University of Technology Institute of Heat Engineering

  • Organization
    1. Institute of Safety Engineering,China Jiliang University,Hangzhou  310018,China; 2. Institute of Heat Engineering,Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw  00665,Poland
  • 摘要
    在内径357 mm、长32.4 m的管道中,以电离探针作为爆炸火焰传播速度的主要检测手段,利用自主研制的爆炸抑制装置,开展了超细粉体云幕抑制体积分数为9.5%的瓦斯爆炸火焰传播的研究。结果表明:触发时间为125 ms条件下,采用超细ABC粉体抑爆剂,能使爆炸火焰传播得到不同程度的抑制,当抑爆剂充装量为800 g时,爆炸火焰得以完全熄灭;就抑爆介质而言,其爆炸抑制效果依次为:超细ABC粉体、超细SiO2粉体、普通ABC、超细Mg(OH)2;抑爆装置触发时间大于一临界值时,仅能够减弱火焰传播,而不能将其完全熄灭。
  • Abstract
    Explosion suppression of methane / air mixtures with methane concentration 9. 5% in volume by various ul- trafine powders were conducted in a 32. 4 m long pipelines with an internal diameter of 357 mm,the self-developed suppressor were applied to discharge the powders and the array of ionization probes were used to measure the flame propagation velocity. Results indicated that flame propagation can be mitigated when different mass of ultrafine ABC powder were discharged with 125 ms in trigger time,the flame propagation can be suppressed entirely while 800 g ul- trafine ABC powder was discharged. The order of ultrafine ABC,ultrafine SiO2 ,normal partial size ABC and ultrafine Mg(OH)2 powders can be concluded in the suppression efficiency from the present experiments,the flame can’ t be inhibited 100% when the trigger time is above critical.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    clouds of ultrafine powders;explosion of methane;flame propagation;suppression

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Wang Xinqun,Kong Lili,Xu Haishun,et al. Suppression of methane / air flame propagation in large scale pipelines by clouds of ultrafine powders[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(6):1482-1488.
  • 相关文章

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