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  • Title

    Arising issues and approaches to classify the hydrogeological types and complexity ranks of a complicated coal mine in China

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Chang-shen1 ,WU Qiang2 ,MA Guo-ping3 ,LI Wen-gang3 ,BAI Lin3

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. School of Resources and Geosciences,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou  221116,China;2. College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineer-ing,China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing),Beijing  100083,China;3. Fangezhuang Mining Company,Kailuan Energy Chemical,Tangshan 063109,China
  • 摘要

    矿井水文地质类型科学划分是煤矿制订防治水规划、实现防治水安全的技术前提,《煤矿防治水规定》(2009年)要求煤矿每3年评价1次矿井水文地质类型。具有多年开采历史的地质与开采条件复杂矿井的水文地质类型划分暴露出罗列矿井已有勘查资料、难以顾及不同水平与盘区水文地质条件差异、需进一步明析评价目的性和指导性等问题。以1984年曾发生特大型岩溶陷落柱突水、其后保持安全生产30 a的大型现代化矿井——开滦集团范各庄矿为例,实现了矿井水文地质类型的分水平、分盘区、分阶段评价与复杂等级划分。提出:矿井水文地质类型划分应该是对矿井当前揭露条件下水文地质特征的根本概括与评价;复杂条件下矿井水文地质类型评价与复杂等级划分应以煤矿中、长期防治水规划和防治水安全为目标,采用分水平、分盘区、分阶段评价的原则与方法,指导和服务于煤矿未来3~5 a生产规划,体现水文地质类型评价基础性、阶段性和指导性的根本特征。

  • Abstract
    Practical classification of the mining hydrogeological types in coal mines is a fundamental job and prerequi- site for coal mines to effectively prevent various kinds of mine water hazards. The Directive of Coal Mines to Prevent & Control Mine Water Hazards (enacted in 2009) regulated that coal mines in China must re-categorize its mining hydro- geological types and complexity ranks every three years. The latest round of national-wide classification of hydrogeolog- ical types of coal mines in 2013 revealed the problems of simply piling existent geologic exploration data and hardly encompassing the varied features of a complicated coal mine in an as-a-whole classification. There is an urgent need to highlight the mining-plan-oriented classifying principles and methods. Fangezhuang Coal Mine of Kailuan Group (Chi- na),which had shocked the world for its gigantic karst-sinkhole water inrush accident in 1984,is typical of long-min- ing-history,deep-mined and geologically complicated active coal mines in East China. It is difficult to use traditional classifying methods to encompass the wide range of hydrogeological features of Fangezhuang Mine into an overall hydrogeological type. Based on its mining horizon and panel subdivisions,the paper classified the Fangezhang into dif- ferent sub-regions of mining hydrogeological types and ranked the complexity of the sub-regions respectively. The paper presents that the mining hydrogeological types and complexity ranks of a coal mine should objectively correspond with its current mining and hydrogeological status. It is concluded that the classifying practice for a complicated coal mine should definitely observe the mining-plan-oriented classifying principles and objectively divide the coal mine into dif- ferent sub-regions and assess the mining hydrogeological type and complexity rank of each sub-region instead.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mining hydrogeological types of a coal mine;complexity ranks;objectives mining-plan-oriented principle; water control plan

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Wang Changshen,Wu Qiang,Ma Guoping,et al. Arising issues and approaches to classify the hydrogeological types and complexity ranks of a complicated coal mine in China[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2016,41(3):696-702.
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