• 全部
  • Title

    Identification and analysis of amorphous graphite associated with high metamorphosed anthracite

  • 作者


  • Author

    REN Rui-chen1,2,3 ,ZHANG Qian-wei2,3 ,SHI Qian-qian2,3 ,LI Cai-xia1,2,3 ,PANG He2,3 ,DONG Wei2,3

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Mineral Processing and Utilization Design Institute,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China;2. Liaoning Key Laboratory of Mineral Process-ing,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China;3. College of Mining,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China
  • 摘要
    为定性、定量表征内蒙古某高变质无烟煤伴生微晶石墨,以太西无烟煤、朝鲜无烟煤为对比样品,对试验样进行混酸脱灰处理和浮沉试验,分析了各试验样的X射线衍射和拉曼光谱特征。结果表明:不同采样点的脱灰无烟煤伴生微晶石墨的中部分试验样具有C(002)特征峰,但特征峰有宽化现象、强度有差异;不同试验样拉曼光谱D峰、G峰参数对比表明无烟煤伴生微晶石墨的热演化程度介于年老无烟煤至鳞片石墨阶段;以拉曼光谱分析无序碳含量表征无烟煤在无烟煤伴生微晶石墨中相对含量,并以该值为浮沉法分离浮物累积含量,该含量所对应浮沉分离密度即为脱灰无烟煤伴生微晶石墨中无烟煤与微晶石墨的分离密度,其值为1.665~1.681 g/cm~3。
  • Abstract
    Taking anthracite from Taixi and North Korea respectively as references,the amorphous graphite associated with high metamorphosed anthracite was qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed in this study. The demineralized test samples were analyzed through X-ray and Raman spectrum,and then the demineralized test samples were separated by float-and-sink analysis. The results show that the C(002) diffraction peaks of parts of demineralized graphite associat- ed with high metamorphosed anthracite from different sampling positions exist,their peak intensity is different,and the diffraction peaks are broadening. The comparison of G band and D band parameters of Raman spectrum shows that the thermal evolution stage of amorphous graphite associated with high metamorphosed anthracite is between paranthracite and flake graphite. Using the disordered carbon content of Raman spectrum to characterize the anthracite relative con- tent of amorphous graphite associated with high metamorphosed anthracite,and with the content of disordered carbon of Raman spectrum equivalent to the total float content,its corresponding separation density can be considered to be the separation density between amorphous graphite and anthracite of the samples,its value ranges from 1. 665 g / cm3 to 1.681 g / cm3 .
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    amorphous graphite;anthracite;Raman spectrum analysis;floatation-sink test

  • DOI
  • Citation
    Ren Ruichen,Zhang Qianwei,Shi Qianqian,et al. Identification and analysis of amorphous graphite associated with high metamorphosed anthracite[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2016,41(5):1294-1300.

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