• 全部
  • Title

    Dynamic permeability change of supercritical CO2 fractured shale and its influencing factors

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Guojun,XIAN Xuefu ,ZHOU Junping ,ZHAO Yuan ,YIN Hong ,GUO Yaowen,XIE Shuang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control,Chongqing University; College of Resource and Environ-ment Science,Chongqing University
  • 摘要

    根据近几年兴起的无水压裂学术思想,采用超临界CO2压裂后的裂隙页岩体试件(Φ100 mm×200 mm圆柱体试件),开展了不同体积应力和不同温度条件下CO2渗流实验来模拟压裂后页岩气储层的渗透特性变化,揭示不同因素对裂隙页岩体渗透率的影响机理。实验结果表明:页岩吸附CO2后渗透率降低;裂隙页岩体渗透率随有效应力的增加呈负指数关系减少;在CO2超临界温度3248℃的内页岩渗透率随温度升高而降低,而且渗透率对温度的敏感性也随着温度的升高越来越小;在低压阶段(13 MPa),Klinkenberg效应作用明显,在该阶段渗透率随着气体压力的增加而减少,当气体压力在35 MPa时,渗透率随气体压力的增加而增加;页岩储层对CO2的渗透率受地温、地压以及其自身孔隙结构共同影响。

  • Abstract

    Based on academic thought of non-aqueous fracturing proposed in recent years,the shale cylinder specimen of diameter 100 mm and length 200 mm was fractured by supercritical CO2 first,then it was used to conduct CO2 seep-age experiment at different volume stress and temperature conditions,aiming at revealing the mechanism of permeabili-ty change in supercritical CO2 fractured shale and its influencing factors. The experimental results show that the perme-ability of fractured shale decreased due to the CO2 adsorption induced swelling. The permeability of fractured shale has a negative exponential relationship with effective stress. At the temperature range of 32 -48 ℃ ,the permeability de-creased with the increase of temperature,and the temperature sensitivity of permeability is also decreased with the in-crease of temperature. At the low pore pressure range(1 -3 MPa),Klinkenberg effect exhibits a significant influence on the permeability,which leads to the permeability decreases with the increase of pore pressure,when the pore pres-sure exceeds 3 MPa,permeability increases with the increase of pore pressure as the effective stress is the dominant in-fluencing factor. Therefore,the permeability of shale gas reservoir is commonly affected by the multiple factors such as geo-temperature,geo-stress and the pore structure of shale. Finally,the coupling relationship between shale permeability and geo-temperature,geo-stress field is established according to the experimental results.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fractured shale;permeability;effective stress;slippage effect;pore pressure

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    LIU Guojun,XIAN Xuefu,ZHOU Junping,et al. Dynamic permeability change of supercritical CO2 fractured shale and its influencing fac-tors[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(10):2670-2678.
  • 相关文章

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