• 全部
  • Title

    Method of coal burst hazard assessment based on region division and identification of main impact factors

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Fan1 ,CAO Anye1 ,DOU Linming1 ,JING Guangcheng1 ,WANG Changbin1,2

  • Organization
    1. Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resource Mining,School of Mines,Ministry of Education of China,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China; 2. School of Mining Engineering,University of New South Wales,Sydney  2052,Australia
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Due to the complex mechanism and numerous impact factors,and considering the existing differences among the impact factors of coal burst with various weights in different regions,a coal burst assessment model based on the methods of regional divisions and main impact factors recognition was proposed to improve the accuracy and relevance of the assessment results,which was then used to analyze coal face LW250204 in Yanbei Coal Mine. Due to the com- prehensive effect of thick coal seam,fold structure,mining disturbance,seam dip angle,mining depth and mining com- plex geological factors,the working face was under severe threat of coal burst. The results show that:① The thickness, dip angle and depth of the coal seam have obvious influence on the rock burst hazard in local areas,and the distribu- tion of mining tremors is strongly correlated with syncline and mining disturbance,and they dominate the rock burst hazard in their affected areas;② Based on the distribution range and the variation of each influencing factor,the work- ing face is divided into five regions. According to the basic principle of the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ), a weighting assessment system of influential factors of coal burst was constructed,and the weighting differences among factors was identified;③ For quantitatively describing the coal burst hazard level in an specific area of different re- gions,a regional coal burst hazard index was constructed. In LW250204,up to 92. 6% of the fitting degree was presen- ted between the mining tremors distribution and the coal burst hazard indexes,which verifies the accuracy and reliabil- ity of the model.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal burst;impact factors;regional analysis;AHP;hazard assessment

  • DOI
  • Citation
    CHEN Fan,CAO Anye,DOU Linming,et al. The method of coal burst hazard assessment based on region division and identification of main impact factors[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(3):607-615.
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