Gradient reliability design of shearer’s drum in complicated seam
ZHAO Lijuan,FAN Jiayi,LI Minghao
In order to realize shearer’ s drum optimal comprehensive performance in complicated seam, using the MG400 / 951-WD shearer model as the research object,baseing on the cutting coal theory,drum’ s three to the force and torque load was obtained by Matlab. Combing with rigid-flexible virtual prototype coupling established a virtual prototype model with flexible drum,weak links were found through the simulation;Combing with EDEM found the loading performance. Combing with the theory of reliability sensitivity design,robust design theory and the theory of performance degradation,analyzed the influence of the drum’s design variables to reliability sensitivity gradient,estab- lished a multi-objective optimization evaluation function of drum,the optimal design variables was obtained by im- proved particle swarm optimization. The results show that the optimized drum maximum stress declined,coal rate,com- prehensive performance and reliability was improved. combing with the theory of reliability sensitivity design,robust design theory and the theory of performance degradation,provides an important support of the theory and method of da- ta for mining machinery,it is universal.
shearer;drum;rigid-flexible coupling;sensitivity analyses;reliability robust design
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会