• 全部
  • Title

    Mechanical characteristics analysis of fully anchored bolts considering different post-peak failure models of surrounding rock

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Liang,MAO Xianbiao,CHEN Yanlong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics & Deep Underground Engineering,China Universityof Mining & Technology; School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,China Universityof Mining & Technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Based on the neutral point theory,considering the dilatancy effect and different post-peak failure models of surrounding rock,the formulas of both axial normal stress and shear stress of fully anchored bolts are derived under the condition of stable equilibrium state and the influence of bolt axial force on the end and surrounding rock parameters (residual cohesion,dilatancy coefficient and strain softening coefficient) on axial normal stress,shear stress and neu- tral point is systematically analyzed. Research results prove that the axial normal stress along the bolt shows the varia- ble characteristics of first increase and then decrease from the inner endpoint to outer endpoint,and the stress curves in the elastic zone and the post-peak failure zone show obvious differences;the dilatancy stress along the bolt shows the variable characteristics of first increase and then decrease from inner endpoint to outer endpoint and the change fea- tures of shear stress at the interface between elastic and post-peak failure zone are closely related to the dilatancy coef- ficient and shear stiffness of surrounding rock;the normal stress and dilatancy stress decrease with the increasing residual cohesion and conversely increase with the enlarged dilatancy coefficient and strain softening coefficient;and mean- while with the enlarged bolt axial force on the end,the axial normal stress and the lateral shear stress increase while the inner shear stress decrease;the neutral point shows the variable characteristics of first increase and then decrease with the increasing residual coefficient,and when the residual cohesion is larger than a certain critical value,the neu- tral point is located in the elastic region,otherwise,the neutral point is in the post-peak failure region;in addition,the neutral point decreases as the dilatancy coefficient and strain softening coefficient. The results can provide a theoretical basis for the support design of the fully anchored bolt under the condition of different properties of surrounding rock.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    post-peak failure form;dilatancy effect;strain softening coefficient;fully anchored bolts;bolt stress

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 全锚锚杆-围岩相互作用力学模型

    2 全锚锚杆-围岩相互作用受力分析

       2.1 基本方程

       2.2 围岩应力、变形与峰后破坏区半径的确定

       2.3 全长锚固锚杆受力计算

    3 全长锚固锚杆受力影响因素

       3.1 工程条件

       3.2 残余黏聚力对锚杆受力的影响

       3.3 剪胀系数对锚杆受力的影响

       3.4 应变软化系数对锚杆受力的影响

       3.5 稳态下锚杆端头轴力对其受力的影响

    4 结论

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    陈梁,茅献彪,陈彦龙. 考虑围岩峰后破坏的全锚锚杆受力特性[J]. 煤炭学报,2018,43(4):923-930.
    CHEN Liang,MAO Xianbiao,CHEN Yanlong. Mechanical characteristics analysis of fully anchored bolts considering different post-peak failure models of surrounding rock[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(4):923-930.
  • 相关专题

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