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  • Title

    Experiment study and design on dust removal system in air curtaindust collector of mine roadway heading face

  • 作者


  • Author

    JIA Baoshan,WANG Wei,QI Yun,LIU Yajun,LI Shouguo

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.School of Safety Science and Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin , China;2.MOE Key Lab of MineThermodynamic Disasters and Prevention and Control, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao , China;3.State Key Lab of Coal MineSafety Technology, CCTEG Shenyang Research Institute,Shenyang , China
  • 摘要
    为了解决煤矿综掘工作面掘进过程中粉尘浓度过高,影响矿井安全生产的问题,设计了一种利用风幕集尘风机形成合理的控尘流场,防止综掘工作面高浓度含尘风流外溢的新型高效的风幕集尘风机除尘系统。基于流体力学理论和势流叠加原理,建立了受限空间内风机流场的数学模型,为了验证数学模型的合理性,进而在地面搭建了宽2.8 m、高2.3 m、长12 m的模拟巷道进行了风幕射流速度衰减试验。结果表明:风幕射流出口速度初期衰减较快,后期衰减变缓,数学模型所计算理论风速与实测风速基本一致,数学模型正确可靠;整体径向射流风幕需要封住的空间断面内,实测风速都在2 m/s以上,能够有效抑制粉尘颗粒向外逸散,可以在煤矿井下实际安装应用。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the dust concentration too high occurred in the heading process of the fully-mechanized heading face in the coal mine and the dust affected to the safety production of the mine, a dust flow control field rationally set up with an air curtain dust collector was designed and was a dust removal system of a new high efficient air curtain dust collector to prevent the high concentrated dust air flow from the fully-mechanized heading face. Based on the fluid mechanics theory and the potential flow superposition principle, a mathematical model of the fan flow field within the limit space was established. In order to prove the rationally of the mathematical model, a mine simulated roadway with a width of 2.8 m, a height of 2.3 m and a length of 12 m was set up on the surface ground for the attenuation experiment of the air curtain jet velocity. The results showed that the outlet velocity of the air curtain jet was fast at the initial attenuation period and the late attenuation was slow down. The theoretical air velocity of the mathematical model was the same to the site measured air velocity and the mathematical model was correct and reliable. The overall radial jet air curtain would be required to be sealed within the space of the cross section, the site measured air velocity was over 2 m/s, could effectively control the outward emission of the dust particles and could be assembled and applied in the underground mine.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fully-mechanized heading face; air curtain dust collector; ventilation dust removal; annular jet; parallel plane flow

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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