• 全部
  • Title

    Discussion of the selection for producing layers of deep CBM wells in Linfen Block

  • 作者


  • Author

    HUANG Hongxing1,2 ,NIE Zhihong1,2 ,CHAO Haiyan2 ,CHEN Dong1,2 ,ZHAO Zengping1,2 ,LIU Ying1,2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. China United Coalbed Methane National Engineering Research Center Co. Ltd. ,Beijing  100095,China; 2. Petro China Coalbed Methane Company Limit-ed,Beijing  100028,China
  • 摘要


  • Abstract
    To provide the basis for the selection of the development layers,the difference of production in gas wells with different combination of coalbeds and the capacity of main coal seams in Linfen area was studied. Firstly,the pro- duction effect of gas wells with different combination of coalbeds was analyzed by using the data of production. The re- sults show that the effect of muti-layer production of No. 5+No. 8 is the best,the effect of single-layer of No. 5 is the second,and the effect of single-layer of No. 8 is the worst. Secondly,the capacity of No. 5 coalbed and No. 8 coalbed were studied based on the basic principles of seepage,production profile testing data,production of sealed wells and horizontal wells,and evaluation of coalbed methane development potential. The results show that the No. 5 coalbed is the main gas producing layer,and the No. 8 coalbed is the main aquifer. On this basis,through comprehensive compar- ison and analysis,the proposal that taking No. 5 coalbed as single-layer production and making No. 8 coalbed as inter- layer replacement was provided.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Linfen Block;producing layer;production characteristic;capacity;development layers

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    HUANG Hongxing,NIE Zhihong,CHAO Haiyan,et al. Discussion of the selection for producing layers of deep CBM wells in Linfen Block [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(6):1627-1633.
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