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  • Title

    Study on wastewater treatment technology of styrene from coal to olefin treated by UV /O 3

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Liping,WEI Hanyu,LI Pengcheng,DAI Jin,ZHANG Nan,SONG Xuejing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology( Beijing) ,Beijing ,China
  • 摘要
    为考察基于紫外(UV)、臭氧(O3)氧化处理工艺对苯乙烯和COD的去除效果,以甲醇制烯烃(MTO)装置废水中的苯乙烯为研究对象,分析了初始pH、臭氧投加量、苯乙烯初始浓度以及Al2O3-Mn、Al2O3-Ti对臭氧氧化苯乙烯去除效果的影响。试验结果表明:在pH=9、臭氧投加量为9 mg/min、苯乙烯初始质量浓度为30 mg/L,单独臭氧氧化降解苯乙烯效果最好,反应60 min后苯乙烯和COD的去除率分别为96.5%和48.1%,Al2O3-Mn催化剂催化作用下,臭氧催化氧化苯乙烯废水效果优于单独臭氧,45 min后苯乙烯去除率为99.4%,60 min后苯乙烯去除率达到100%,COD去除率为55.4%。初始pH、苯乙烯初始浓度、过硫酸钠对紫外降解苯乙烯、COD效果的影响试验结果表明:单独紫外在pH=3、苯乙烯初始质量浓度为35 mg/L时去除苯乙烯效果最好,反应120 min去除率达到94%,COD去除率为28%;紫外+过硫酸钠氧化效果优于单独紫外,在pH=7、苯乙烯初始质量浓度为35 mg/L时,反应90 min苯乙烯去除率为99.4%,反应120 min去除率达到100%,COD去除率为30%。臭氧催化氧化工艺较其他3种处理工艺对煤化工废水中苯乙烯的去除具有一定优势。
  • Abstract
    Taking styrene in coal to olefin MTO process wastewater as the research object,the removal effects of styrene and COD using ultra- violet( UV) and ozone ( O 3 ) oxidation treatment process were studied.The effects of pH,ozone dosage,styrene initial concentration,Al 2 O 3 - Mn and Al 2 O 3 -Ti on ozone oxidation of styrene were carried out.The experimental results showed that under the optimal conditions as pH = 9, ozone dosage 9 mg / min,styrene initial concentration 30 mg / L,reaction time 60 min,the removal rates of styrene and COD oxidation by ozone were 96.5% and 48.1% respectively.With the catalysis of Al 2 O 3 -Mn catalyst,styrene removal rate of ozone catalyzed oxidation for styrene wastewater was better than ozone only,which reached 99.4% after 45 min,the styrene removal rate could be high to 100% after 60 min,mean- while,the COD removal rate was 55.4%.The effects of initial pH,styrene initial concentration,sodium persulfate on UV degradation of styrene and COD were studied.The experimental results showed that under the condition as pH = 3,styrene initial concentration 35 mg / L,the removal rate of the styrene and COD removal rate were 94% and 28% after 120 min respectively treated by UV.With the same conditions,the effect of UV+sodium persulfate was better,as pH = 7 and styrene initial concentration 35 mg / L,the styrene removal rate was 99.4% after 90 min,it could be up to 100% after 120 min,meanwhile,the COD removal rate was 30%.Compared with the other three treatment processes,ozone cat- alyzed oxidation process had some advantages on treatment of styrene from coal chemical wastewater.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal to olefin; wastewater treatment; styrene; ozone oxidation; sodium persulfate

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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