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  • Title

    Study on geostress distribution law of deep mine in Yima Mining Area

  • 作者


  • Author

    WU Yongzheng,HE Jie,SI Linpo,XU Zonghao

  • 单位

    天地科技股份有限公司 开采设计事业部煤炭科学研究总院 开采研究分院煤炭资源高效开采与洁净利用国家重点实验室义马煤业集团股份有限公司

  • Organization
    1.Coal Mining and Design Department,Tiandi Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing ,China;2.Coal Mining Branch,ChinaCoal Research Institute,Beijing ,China;3.State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization,Beijing ,China;4.Yima Coal Group Co.,Ltd.,Yima ,China
  • 摘要
    为得到义马矿区深部矿井地应力分布规律,采用小孔径水压致裂地应力测量方法与装置,对义马矿区深部开采区域进行4个煤矿、14 个测点的二维地应力测量,测试最大深度达1 011m。基于实测数据,绘制了义马矿区深部地应力分布图;得出义马矿区深部原岩应力以垂直应力为主,属于典型的自重应力场,矿区东部、西部、中部应力场类型有较大差异;最大水平主应力最高为25.25 MPa,地应力值整体属于高应力水平;最大水平主应力集中在NNE方向,与义马矿区所在的区域板块应力场方向呈现高度的一致性;建立了地应力与埋深的关系式及平均水平主应力与垂直应力的比值关系式。
  • Abstract
    In order to have a geostress distribution law of a deep mine in Yima Mining Area, a geostress measuring method and device with the hydraulic fracturing in the small diameter borehole was applied to conduct 2D geostress measurements of 14 measuring points in 4 mines of deep mining areas in Yima Mining Area. The max depth of the measurement was 1 011 m. Based on the data measured at the mine sites, the deep geostress distribution drawing of Yima Mining Area was made. The deep in-situ rock stress obtained mainly as the vertical stress in Yima Mining Area was in the typical gravity stress field and there was big difference in the type of the stress field in the east part, west part and central part of Yima Mining Area. The max horizontal principal stress was 25.25 MPa and wholly the geostress value belonged to the high stress level. The max horizontal principal stress was concentrated in the direction of NNE and had a high consistency to the direction of the stress field in the regional block of Yima Mining Area. The relation between geostress and underground depth as well as the ratio relation between the average horizontal principal stress and vertical stress were established.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Yima Mining Area; deep mining; hydraulic fracturing; geostress

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