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  • Title

    Gas drainage technology and its application of large diameter and high directional long drilling

  • 作者


  • Author

    SHI Hao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.Shaanxi Province Major Project Reserve Promotion Center,Xi ’an ,China;2.Xi’an Research Institute,China Coal Technology & Engineering Group,Xi’an , China
  • 摘要

    针对煤矿工作面回采后采空区瓦斯富集超限问题,研究采用螺杆马达结合随钻测量系统施工大直径高位定向长钻孔替代高抽巷及传统高位钻孔,通过受控定向钻进技术使钻孔分布在煤层顶板回采断裂带,保障煤层回采过程瓦斯抽采通道。结合在淮北矿区杨柳矿、临涣矿应用施工情况,大直径高位定向长钻孔最大瓦斯抽采体积分数97%,日最大抽采纯量达到8 251 m3,对比分析大直径高位定向长钻孔与常规高位钻孔采空区瓦斯抽采效果,结果表明,大直径高位定向长钻孔在瓦斯治理效果、成本、施工效率等方面均优于传统高位钻孔,在煤矿瓦斯治理推广有重要意义。

  • Abstract
    Aiming at the problem of gas enrichment and overrun in goaf after coal mining face, the application of screw motor combined with drilling and drilling system to construct large diameter and high directional long boreholes instead of high pumping and traditional high drilling in this paper, through the controlled directional drilling technology to make the drilling distribution in the coal seam roof erosion zone, to ensure that the coal seam recovery process gas drainage channel. Combined with the construction site of Yangliu Mine and Linxuan Mine in Huaibei Mining Area, large diameter high directional long drilling maximum gas extraction concentration of 97%, the largest daily mining capacity reached 8 251 m3, comparison of large diameter and high directional long drilling and conventional high drilling gas extraction, the results show that the large diameter directional drilling is superior to the traditional high drilling in the aspects of gas control effect, cost and construction efficiency, it is important to promote coal mine gas control.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    large diameter;high directional drilling;gas drainage;gas control

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