• 全部
  • Title

    Measuring and calculating method of exchanged air quantity caused by air leakage between working face and goaf

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Zongxiang1,2 ,LIU Hanwu1,2 ,LIU Yu1,2 ,CHEN Xiankui3 ,YE Yuqing1

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. College of Safety Science and Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China; 2. Key Laboratory of Mine Thermodynamic Disasters and Control of Ministry of Education,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China; 3. Liaoning Jiudaoling Coal Industry Co. ,Ltd. ,Jinzhou  121100, China
  • 摘要
    针对工作面向采空区漏风问题,提出一种漏风量的测算新方法。分析采空区漏风的风量平衡原理,通过现场实测工作面风速分布,可得到漏风分布类型曲线(由于工作面断面积难于测准,直接计算漏风量误差大),为此,引入实测风速回归曲线的投射面积,作出S-v(x)图,在如采空区瓦斯涌出量、注氮流量和漏风量等外来风量已知的情况下,将外来风量与由外来风量导致的漏回风侧风速投射面积增量之比,得到单位风速投射面积上的漏风量权重Δ,根据漏风量权重Δ计算得到工作面与采空区之间的漏风交换风量。结合九道岭矿E1S6工作面的风速实测,计算得到,注氮量为25 m~3/min时漏风量面积权重为0.087 33 m,由此得到工作面漏出风量为65.5 m~3/min、漏回风量为90.6 m~3/min,该值约占工作面总通风量650 m~3/min的10%~15%,结果符合一般经验值范围。
  • Abstract
    Aiming at the problem of serious air leakage from working face to goaf,a new method to measure and calcu- late air leakage quantity is put forward. Analyzing the air balance principle of air leakage of goaf,the type curve of air leakage distribution can be obtained by measuring the air speed distribution in working face. As measuring the section- al area of working face is difficult,the error of calculating air leakage quantity directly is big. For that reason,the pro- jection area of regression curve of measured air speed is introduced,and then S-v(x) figure can be plotted. Under the circumstances of the foreign air quantity,such as goaf gas emission quantity,nitrogen-injection flux and air leakage quantity,is known,the ratio of foreign air quantity and the increment between the air speed projection area of air leak- age side and return air side caused by foreign air quantity,namely the air leakage weight d on unit air speed projection area is obtained. According to air leakage quantity d,the exchanged air quantity caused by air leakage between work- ing face and goaf cab be calculated. Combine the measured air speed of working face E1S6 in Jiudaoling Mine,after calculation we can obtained that,the weight of air leakage quantity area is 0. 087 33 m when the nitrogen-injection flux is 25 m33 / min,and then we can obtained the air leakage quantity of working face is 65. 5 m3 / min,return air3 leakage is 90. 6 m / min,which accounts for 10-15 percent of the total air quantity of the working face,namely 650 m / min. The results accord with the general empirical range.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    air leakage calculation;goaf;working face;S-v(x) figure;air speed projection area;weight of air quantity area

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    LI Zongxiang,LIU Hanwu,LIU Yu,et al. Measuring and calculating method of exchanged air quantity caused by air leakage between work- ing face and goaf[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(8):2256-2260.
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