• 全部
  • Title

    Research on directional drilling technology of air srew motor in soft coal seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Jie,WANG Yi,HUANG Hanjing,WANG Chuanliu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Xi’an Research Institute,China Coal Technology & Engineering Group,Xi’an ,China
  • 摘要
    针对软煤矿区顺层钻孔无法精准横穿工作面难题,首次采用软煤空气螺杆马达定向成孔技术,实现钻孔同时对工作面和待掘煤巷煤层瓦斯治理,形成了软煤瓦斯高效治理新模式。首次开发出适合软煤定向钻进的空气螺杆马达、电磁波随钻测量系统、软煤定向钻进工艺、软煤定向钻孔筛管护孔等关键技术,并于淮南某矿开展可行性试验,形成了软煤空气螺杆马达定向钻进成孔技术。在该煤矿井下国内外首次成功施工12 个孔深大于200 m软煤顺层定向长钻孔,全孔下筛管,最大孔深231 m,抽采瓦斯纯量12.56万m3,瓦斯体积分数50% 以上,其抽采效果是常规钻孔抽采量3~4倍,该技术可为松软煤层瓦斯高效治理提供了新思路。
  • Abstract
    In view of the difficulty in accurately crossing the working face in soft coal mines,the soft coal air screw motor oriented drilling technology was first used to realize the coal seam gas control at the working face and coal roadway to be drilled,and formed a new model of efficient management of soft coal gas.It researched air screw motor,Electromagnetic Measurement While Drilling (EM MWD) systems,directional drilling technology in soft coal,soft coal directional drilling screen hole protection and other key technologies,then a feasibility test was conducted at a mine in Huainan,and a soft coal air screw motor directional drilling and hole forming technology was formed.At home and abroad,for the first time,12 wells with a depth of more than 200 m and a soft coal seam oriented long borehole have been successfully constructed under the coal mine,which under the full-hole screen,the maximum hole depth is 231 m,the amount of gas scavenged is 12.56 thousand square meters,and the concentration is more than 50%.And its drainage effect is 3~4 times of conventional drilling volume.This technology provided new ideas for efficient gas treatment of soft coal seams.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    soft coal seam;gas drainage;cover roadway excavation;air screw motor;directional drilling

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