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  • Title

    Study on time function model of residual subsidence atsurface coal mining subsidence area

  • 作者


  • Author

    JIA Xinguo

  • 单位

    煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司 安全分院煤炭资源高效开采与洁净利用国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    1.Mine Safety Technology Branch, China Coal Research Institute, Beijing , China; 2.State Key Lab of High Efficient Coal Mining and Clean Utilization, Beijing ,China
  • 摘要
    为了科学、量化评估采空区土地再利用中地表残余变形对地基稳定性影响,基于 “三下”采煤规程中关于地表移动延续时间的定义,给出了地表剩余沉陷变形和地表残余沉陷变形定义,结合Knothe时间函数,构建了基于时间的地表残余下沉时间函数,给出了参数求解和确定方法。研究结果表明:可将地表移动延续时间之后的地表下沉速度v(t)不大于60 mm/a直至地表下沉速度v(t)等于1 mm/a时止的时间段,作为地表残余移动期;应用构建的残余下沉时间函数,可定量计算残余沉陷影响,给出危害程度,可为调整和优化地表建筑布局,为合理采取抗变形建筑措施以及建筑施工和采空区处置等提供量化指标。
  • Abstract
    In order to scientifically and quantitatively evaluate the surface ground residual deformation in the reutilization of the land above the mine goaf affected to the stability of the building foundation, based on the definitions of the surface ground movement duration time in the "three underneath" coal mining regulations, the paper provided the definitions of the surface ground residual subsidence deformation and the surface ground remained subsidence deformation. In combination with the Knothe time function, a surface ground residual subsidence time function based on the time was established and the parameter calculation and determination method were provided. The study results showed that after the duration time T of surface ground movement, the time section from the surface ground subsidence speed v (t) less than 60 mm/day to the surface ground subsidence speed v (t) equal to 1 mm/day could be considered as the surface ground residual movement period. The residual subsidence time function established could be applied to quantitatively calculate the residual subsidence influences and could provide the danger degree. In order to adjust and optimize the building layout on the surface ground, the rational anti-deformation building measures, the building construction and the goaf handlings and others could provide the quantitative indexes.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mining subsidence area; goaf; residual subsidence; time function; deformation calculation

  • 相关文章

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