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  • Title

    Method of determining mine water inrush source based on combination of organic-inorganic water chemistry

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Jian1,2 ,LIU Ji1,2,3 ,JIN Dewu1,2 ,WANG Qiangmin1,2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. CCTEG Xi’an Research Institute,Xi’an  710054,China; 2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Preventing and Controlling Coal Mine Water Hazard, Xi’ an 710054,China; 3. China Coal Research Institute,Beijing  100013,China
  • 摘要

    溶解性有机质(Dissolved Organic Matter,DOM)在随地下水运移过程中,不同含水层水中DOM含量、类别、荧光强度等均存在较明显差异,因此结合无机水化学,开展了有机-无机联合的矿井突水水源判别方法研究,结果表明:地下水中无机组分浓度分布具有垂向分带性,利用pH、矿化度(TDS),HCO3,SO4等无机指标,可以判别浅部含水层和深部含水层水化学特征差异; DOM进入含水层后发生氧化还原反应强烈,其浓度(TOC含量和UV254)变化快、差异大,可以识别地表水与第四系水的水化学特征;第四系与白垩系含水层,以及覆岩破坏范围内的细分含水层,水中无机组分和有机组分含量非常接近,而荧光指纹技术灵敏度高,可以根据3DEEM光谱图分析DOM类型和荧光峰强度等差异,区分相邻含水层的水化学特征差异。陷落柱等地质异常体作为特殊的地质环境体,其内部水体中DOM相对丰富,其DOM含量和荧光指纹特征与奥灰水差异显著。将有机-无机联合开展不同含水层水化学特征分析,能够很好地区分不同水源,为矿井突水事故发生时快速判别水源提供科学依据。

  • Abstract

    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) had different migration and transformation characteristics with inor-ganic components in the process of groundwater movement,and there were obvious differences in the concentration,type and fluorescence intensity at different aquifers. Therefore,the authors studied the determination method of mine water in-rush sources with the combination of organic-inorganic water chemistry. The result showed that the distribution of inor-ganic matter concentration in groundwater had vertical zoning,which could distinguish the difference of hydrochemical characteristics between shallow aquifers and deep aquifers. Based on the hydrogeo-logic condition and the law of hydro-geochemical occurrence in the study area,the hydro-chemical anomaly samples could be distinguished using pH,mineralizing degree establishment of water chemical characteristics standard in different aquifers. DOM had a strong oxidation-reduction re-action and its concentration (i. e. TOC and UV254) changed rapidly after entering the aquifer,which could be used to distinguish the hydrochemical characteristics of the shallow aquifers,such as the Quaternary and Cretaceous aquifers. The concentrations of the inorganic and organic components in the aquifers were very similar,but the fluorescence fin-gerprint had high sensitivity in the destruct height of overlying strata. The water source of each aquifer could be deter-mined by the analysis of the difference of DOM type and fluorescence peak intensity according to 3DEEM spectro-gram. The geological anomaly bodies such as the collapse column were special geological environment bodies,in which DOM was relatively rich. By analyzing the DOM concentration and the characteristics of the fluorescence fingerprint, the difference of the hydrochemical characteristics with the Ordovician limestone aquifer could be distinguished well. Inorganic components had vertical zoning and could discriminate hydrochemical anomalies. The water sources of differ-ent aquifers could be determined by the analysis of chemical characteristics of organic and inorganic components, which could provide a scientific basis for quickly determining water sources when mine water inrush accidents occur.(TDS),HCO3 ,SO4 and other inorganic indexes,which could provide a scientific basis for the

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    combination of Organic-inorganic;water sources determination;hydrochemical zoning;TDS;fluo-rescence fingerprint technology

  • DOI
  • Citation
    YANG Jian,LIU Ji,JIN Dewu,et al. Method of determining mine water inrush source based on combination of organic-inorganic water chemistry[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(10):2886-2894.
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