• 全部
  • Title

    Study on rock burst geophysical monitoring method

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIA Yongxue,FENG Meihua,LI Haodang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.Coal Mining and Desigining Department,Tiandi Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing ,China;2.Mining Design Research Branch,China Coal Research Institute,Beijing ,China;3.Coal Industry Operation Management Center,National Energy Investment Group Co.,Ltd.,Beijing ,China
  • 摘要


  • Abstract
    According to the two types of geophysical monitoring methods commonly used in coal mines, the difference and connection between acoustic wave detection technology and acoustic emission technology are analyzed. It is considered that two methods indirectly reflect the physico-mechanical properties of the anomalous body by detecting the acoustic signal in the coal rock mass. The mechanism of the excitation of the sound source is different: the acoustic wave detection is artificially excited and belongs to the instantaneous detection technology. Acoustic emission is spontaneously generated in the process of mechanical failure of coal and rock mass, which can realize continuous dynamic monitoring. Acoustic detection technology enables us to understand the current status of anomalous bodies, and acoustic emission technology not only allows us to understand the current state of anomalous bodies, but also to understand the formation history, development trends and mechanisms of anomalous bodies. The seismic CT detection technology based on the principle of acoustic wave detection is suitable for pre-harvest impact risk assessment, regional division and verification of the effect of the crisis. The microseismic and geophone monitoring technology based on the principle of acoustic wave detection can complement each other: microseismic monitoring is a qualitative stage of coal and rock rupture. The microseismic monitoring can dynamically divide the impact hazard area and long-term dangerous trend in the mining process. Guide the regional anti-shock design, delineate the key areas of anti-shock and adjust the propulsion of the working surface; geodetic monitoring is a quantitative change process for the generation and development of micro-cracks in coal and rock mass, which can realize short-term and imminent earthquake warning.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rock burst; CT detection; microseism; aconstic emission; forecast

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