Occurrence law and classification prevention of rock burst in coal mines of Shaanxi Province
PAN Junfeng;LIU Shaohong;MA Wentao;XIA Yongxue;WANG Shuwen;FENG Meihua
With coal resource extraction areas are constantly shifting towards the west and deeper regions, and the number of rock burst mines in the western region is increasing rapidly. As a major coal province, Shaanxi Province has a stable scale of coal development and supply, ranking among the top in the country. However, rock burst disasters are particularly prominent. In order to effectively curb the frequent occurrence of rock burst in local coal mines and provide reference for rock burst prevention and control in areas with similar conditions, the occurrence law of rock burst has been basically clarified by analyzing 24 mines and 85 rock burst cases in Shaanxi coal mines over the past 10 years, and conducted classified prevention and control research based on the main control factors. The research results indicate that coal mine rock burst in Shaanxi Province has the characteristics of concentrated disaster mines, severe disaster severity, significant overlapping effects of multiple disasters, and high difficulty in prevention and control; The monitoring technology and prevention technology of rock burst are almost synchronized with the construction process of local regulations, achieving a late start, high starting point, and demonstration effect;Based on the main controlling factors of rock burst, rock burst in Shaanxi Province is divided into three categories: hard roof dominant type, wide coal pillar dominant type, and geological structure dominant type. In response to the main controlling factors, prevention and control methods for weakening hard roof, transferring high concentrated stress of coal pillar, and releasing structural stress are proposed.Through 10 years of engineering practice, continuous optimization of mine mining design, exploration of new fracturing technologies for drilling areas along the thick and hard roof of coal seams, and increased implementation of anti burst and pressure relief technologies, the occurrence of rock burst has been decreasing year by year, with significant achievements.
rock burst;coal mine in Shaanxi Province;impact ground pressure monitoring;prevention and control of rock burst;main control factors;classified prevention and control
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会