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  • Title

    Applied study on water injection and dust reduction technology of fullymechanized coal mining face in high gassy and outburst seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Xiaotao

  • 单位

    中煤科工集团重庆研究院有限公司重庆大学 资源及环境科学学院

  • Organization
    1. Chongqing Research Institute, China Coal Technology and Engineering Group, Chongqing , China;2. School of Resources and Environmental Science, Chongqing University, Chongqing , China
  • 摘要

    为了解决高瓦斯突出煤层综采工作面生产期间粉尘污染严重的问题,利用工作面回风巷现有的瓦斯抽采孔开展了煤层注水减尘实践。根据试验测量和统计分析,对注水过程中钻孔的注水量、注水流量和注水压力随注水时间变化情况进行了分析研究、并对注水前后煤体水分增量及注水降尘后的降尘效果进行了考察。研究表明:高瓦斯突出煤层综采面在实施瓦斯抽采后,利用瓦斯抽采钻孔进行动静压结合注水减尘,工艺可操作性强,可大幅减少煤层注水钻孔的施工量;注水后工作面煤体的水分增量达到了1%以上,司机位置原始总粉尘浓度由1 335.5 mg/m3降至681.1 mg/m3,呼吸性粉尘由358.6 mg/m3降至167.1 mg/m3,降尘效率分别为49.0%和53.4%;采煤机下风侧15 m处总粉尘浓度由原始的1 108.9 mg/m3降至526.8 mg/m3,呼吸性粉尘浓度从303.9 mg/m3降至145.8 mg/m3,降尘效率分别为52.5%和52.0%。

  • Abstract

    In order to solve a serious dust pollution problem occurred in the production period of the fully mechanized coal mining face in a high gas outburst seam,the available gas drainage boreholes in the air returned gateway of the coal mining face were applied to make the dust control practices with the water injection in the seam.Based on the experiment measurement and statistic analysis,an analysis study was conducted on the variation conditions of the borehole water injection volume,the water injection flow and the water injection pressure in the water injection process.An investigation was conducted on the water content increased before and after the water injection and the dust effect after the water injection and dust control.The study showed that After the gas drainage practiced in the fully-mechanized coal mining face in the high gas and outburst seam,the gas drainage boreholes were applied to the dynamic and static pressure combined water injection and dust control.The gas drainage borehole technology had a strong operability and could highly reduce the construction work load of the seam water injection borehole.After the water injection completed,the water content of the coal in the coal mining face could be increased by over 1%,the original total dust at the driver location was reduced from 1 335.5 mg/m3to 681.1 mg/m3,the respirable dust was reduced from 358.6 mg/m3to 167.1 mg/m3and the dust control efficiency was 49.0%and 53.4%individually.The total dust density at the downside with a distance of 15 m of the coal shearer was reduced from the original 1 108.9 mg/m3to 526.8 mg/m3, the re ̄spirable dust was reduced from 303.9 mg/m3to 145.8 mg/m3and the dust control efficiency was 52.5%and 52.0%individually.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    dust; gas drainage; water injection in seam; dust control efficiency

  • 相关专题

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