• 全部
  • Title

    Electromagnetic wave CT evaluation method for rock burst hazard in near field based on rock burst start-up process

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Shaohong1,2 ,PAN Junfeng1,2 ,WANG Hongtao3 ,TANG Zhongyi3 ,XIA Yongxue1,2 , CAO Yanfu3 ,ZHANG Chenyang1,2

  • 单位

    煤炭科学研究总院 开采研究分院天地科技股份有限公司 开采设计事业部陕西长武亭南煤业有限责任公司

  • Organization
    1. Coal Mining and Designing Branch,China Coal Research Institute,Beijing  100013,China; 2. Coal Mining and Designing Department,Tiandi Science and Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing  100013,China; 3. Shaanxi Changwu Tingnancoal Limited Liability Company,Xianyang  713600,China
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    In recent years,with the gradual increase of mining depth and intensity,the frequency of rock burst disaster increases year by year,which seriously threatens the safety of mine production. Currently,the risk assessment method is based on field measurement only accounting for energy accumulation,which leads to the failure of the evaluation re- sults to reflect all rock burst hazards in the field. In this study,three stages of energy release,energy transfer and shock appearance were considered. On the basis of the electromagnetic wave CT detection platform,through theoretical research,a rock burst start-up probability of the four indexes was proposed,including the fusion energy concentration in- dex,the support damage index,the yield close index and the energy transfer attenuation index,by combining the yield proximity and unloading coupling theory with the impact pressure theory. Also,the weight of each index was deter- mined,including attribute weight set according to the difference degree of each index value,and grade weight set ac- cording to the risk level of each index. A multi-factor comprehensive evaluation model for rock burst hazard was estab- lished,and then a multi-factor evaluation method for near-field surrounding rock burst hazard was established,and the method was implemented by programming. In the 207 return airway of Tingnan Mine in China,it was found that the ar- rangement of roadway in the section of coal pillar greatly increased the stress concentration of the coal pillar area, which leads to the higher degree of support damage and the larger plastic zone,and has a higher impact risk. Using this method,the field measured data of 207 working face in Tingnan Coal Mine were processed,which was found that the distribution of roadway in the section of coal pillar increased the degree of stress concentration in the coal pillar area, and leaded to the higher degree of support damage. The larger plastic zone range,and the higher rock burst hazard. The drilling cuttings method was used to verify the effectiveness of the impact risk assessment method based on impact start-up process. Compared to the rock burst hazard assessment method of surrounding rock in the past,the rock burst start-up probability evaluation method proposed comprehensively considered the influence of multiple factors,improved the identification degree of the rock burst hazard area,and provided a more accurate basis for the roadway rock burst control. Especially,for the coal pillar area,it is of significance in application.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rock burst start-up process;near field surrounding rock;electromagnetic wave CT;risk assessment of rock burst;rock burst start-up probability;coal pillar

  • DOI
  • Citation
    LIU Shaohong,PAN Junfeng,WANG Hongtao,et al. Electromagnetic wave CT evaluation method for rock burst hazard in near field based on rock burst start-up process[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(2):384-396.
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