Vertical hydrogeological characteristics of Luohe aquifer and its significance of water-preserved coal mining
LI Chaofeng1,2,3 ,HU Weiyue2,3 ,LIU Yingfeng2,3
为查明彬长矿区白垩系洛河组地层的水文地质条件,从保水采煤角度提出了洛河组精细化勘探概念,给出了可用于承压含水层垂向富水性评价的综合富水性指数法,依据垂向富水性变化规律对洛河组进行分层,并研究洛河组垂向水文地质条件与特征、自然状态和采煤扰动时洛河组垂向各含水层段之间的水力联系、以及洛河组下段存在的保水采煤意义等。给出了富水性指数计算方法:对地层岩性、厚度、孔隙度3个指标分别赋值、分别赋权重为0.3,0.4,0.3,之后将赋值与权重累积得到单个含水层段的富水性指数(fi),利用Fi=0.5fi+0.15fi-1+0.1fi-2+0.15fi+1+0.1fi+2计算各地层的综合富水性指数。给出了洛河组含水层垂向富水性分级标准:F<0.003 289为隔水层,0.003 289≤F<0.012 339为弱富水,0.012 339≤F<0.015 504为中等富水,F≥0.015 504为强富水。依据综合富水性指数将高家堡井田T1,T2钻孔洛河组垂向上划分为上、中、下3段。研究结果表明:① 采用综合富水性指数法可以对承压含水层垂向富水性进行精细化评价,可操作性强;② 局部地区洛河组内部发育有泥岩地层,但尚未构成区域上的隔水层;③ 洛河组下段地层既可以减缓和阻止煤层顶板导水裂隙带继续向上发育防止对具有供水意义的中上段地层结构的破坏,又可以阻隔中上段含水层水进入矿井,对保水采煤有利;④ 高家堡矿井首采面回采期间洛河组中上段地下水位下降26.71~43.06 m。通过含水层水量、水位、水质等指标分析,采用控制煤层采高等技术实现了对洛河组含水层结构保护条件下的深埋煤层开采。
In order to explore the hydrogeological conditions of the Cretaceous Luohe Formation in Binchang mining ar- ea,this paper proposed the Luohe Formation’ s refined exploration concepts from the perspective of water-preserved coal mining,gave a comprehensive water-rich index method which can be used to evaluate the vertical water-richness of confined aquifers. The Luohe Formation was layered according to vertical water-richness. Luohe formation’s vertical hy-drogeological conditions and characteristics,hydraulic connection between the vertical aquifers of Luohe formation before and after mining,and the significance of water-preserved coal mining of the lower aquifer of Luohe formation were studied. Calculation method of water-rich index is given as follows:the indexes of lithology,thickness and porosity are assigned,and their weights are 0. 3,0. 4,and 0. 3 respectively;the value of water-rich index (fi ) can be obtained by the cumulative multiplication of values of indexes and weights;then,the comprehensive water-rich index of each layer can be obtained using the following formula Fi = 0. 5fi + 0. 15fi -1 + 0. 1fi -2 + 0. 15fi +1 + 0. 1fi +2 . Grading stand- ards of comprehensive water-rich index for aquifers in Luohe Formation are given: F < 0. 003 289 is aqui- clude,0. 003 289≤F
water-preserved coal mining; Luohe formation; layering; vertical water-rich; water-rich index; Binchang mining area
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会