• 全部
  • Title

    Model and experimental research on gas-solid phase partition of chloride ion in the process of desulfurization wastewater evaporation using flue gas

  • 作者


  • Author

    MA Shuangchen1 ,CHAI Jin1 ,WAN Zhongcheng2 ,WU Kai1 ,ZHANG Jingrui2 ,CHEN Jianing1

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. School of Environmental Science and Engineering,North China Electric Power University (Baoding),Baoding  071003, China; 2. Shengfa Environmental Protection Co. ,Xiamen  361000,China
  • 摘要

    随着国家“水污染防治行动计划”政策的提出,脱硫废水零排放已成为电厂水污染深度治理的新趋势。针对高温烟气蒸发脱硫废水技术应用中面临的核心技术问题,即不同工况条件下氯离子气相转化特性问题开展模型及实验研究。将经典的气液相平衡理论应用于复杂的脱硫废水混盐体系,基于状态方程法计算得出理想体系中以温度为自变量的氯离子气固相分配系数模型。之后,将得出的理想模型用复杂体系废水即脱硫废水进行验证和线性修正,引入修正系数ε和修正常数φ。利用自行设计的实验台开展实验研究,分析各个影响因素对氯离子气固相分配的显著性,影响最大的因素为温度,其次是pH和氯离子浓度,脱硫废水中所含的主要阳离子影响最大的是Mg2+,其次是Ca2+和Na+。得出的实际废水和正交实验数据用以拟合数据,确定了修正系数ε=1.068,修正常数φ中包含了上述影响氯离子气相转化的关键环境参数和水质参数。以MATLAB为计算工具对数据进行拟合,选取指数、对数及线性函数三种拟合形式,其中线性拟合的相关性最高,拟合度R2为0.925 8,达到拟合要求。得到了适用于180~380 ℃温度范围的氯离子气固相分配系数模型。研究结果为脱硫废水烟气蒸发技术的应用提供了关键数据,实现了对脱硫废水蒸发过程中氯离子挥发量的量化及预测,可为该技术的工程实践提供参考。

  • Abstract

    Since the promulgation of “water pollution control action plan” in China,a zero liquid discharge of desulfu- rization wastewater has become a new trend of water pollution control in power plant. Aiming at the core technical issue on the application of desulfurization wastewater evaporation technology using high temperature flue gas,the modeling and experimental research on the gas-phase conversion characteristics of chloride ion under different operation condi- tions were carried out in this paper. The traditional gas-liquid equilibrium theory was applied to the complex mixed salt system. Based on state equation,the model of chloride ion gas-solid phase partition coefficient in ideal system was calculated. The ideal model was validated and linearly corrected with complex water namely desulfurization wastewater by correction factor ε and correction constant φ. Then,experimental research was conducted using self-designed device. The interaction and significance of each factor were compared and analyzed. The order of influence significance on chloride ion gas-solid distribution coefficient is temperature>pH>Cl- concentration>Mg2+ concentration>Ca2+ concen- tration>Na+ concentration. The correction factor is determined using real desulfurization wastewater and orthogonal ex- perimental data ε = 1. 068. The correction constant φ contains key environmental parameter like temperature and water quality parameters that affect the gas phase conversion of chloride ion. MATLAB was used to calculate the models, three fitting forms were selected and the linear fitting had the highest correlation R2 = 0. 925 8 that meets with require- ment. Finally,the model of chlorine ion gas-solid phase partition coefficient suitable for the temperature range from 180 to 380 ℃ was obtained. The study provides key data for the application of high temperature flue gas evaporation tech- nology,obtains the quantification and prediction of chloride ion volatilization during desulfurization wastewater evapora- tion. The research results provide an important theoretical and practical reference for the application of this technology.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    desulfurization wastewater;flue gas evaporation;HCl volatilization;gas-solid phase partition

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    MA Shuangchen,CHAI Jin,WAN Zhongcheng,et al. Model and experimental research on gas-solid phase partition of chloride ion in the process of desulfurization wastewater evaporation using flue gas[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2019,44(4):1247-1254.
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