• 全部
  • Title

    Pilot study on methanogens-enriched anaerobic gas production in Longquan Coalbed Methane Field

  • 作者


  • Author

    WEI Guoqin,HE Huan,WANG Jiangze,HAN Zuoying,NIU Jianglu,TAO Kunpeng

  • 单位

    山西晋城无烟煤矿业集团有限责任公司 煤与煤层气共采国家重点实验室易安蓝焰煤与煤层气共采技术有限责任公司中国矿业大学 化工学院 煤炭加工与高效洁净利用教育部重点实验室

  • Organization
    1.State Key Laboratory of Coal and Coal-bed Methane Stimultaneous Extraction,Jincheng ,China;2.Yian Lanyan Coal and Coal-bed Methane Stimultaneous Extraction Technology Co.,Ltd.,Jincheng ,China;3.School of Chemical Engineering,Key Laboratory of Coal Processing and Efficient Utilization Ministry of Education,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou ,China
  • 摘要

    为探讨龙泉煤层气田产甲烷菌群降解烟煤产甲烷的潜力,研究富集并驯化了龙泉煤层气田产甲烷菌群;以龙泉矿烟煤为母质,开展产甲烷菌群降解煤产气的实验室研究以及中试研究。结果表明,龙泉煤层产甲烷菌群经富集驯化后,降解烟煤产甲烷的浓度由8.2%上升至19%,且产气周期缩短。中试试验中,产甲烷浓度最高达27.06%,产甲烷速率达0.159 mL/(g·d);且在中试发酵产气的衰退期,向发酵罐内添加酵母粉、氮源、磷盐、镁盐、维生素、微量元素,可重新激活产甲烷菌群的活性,使其降解烟煤产甲烷的浓度回升。由此可见,富集驯化龙泉煤层产甲烷菌群可显著提高其降解烟煤产甲烷的能力;在发酵产气衰退期补加营养物质,可以活化产甲烷菌群,恢复其降解烟煤产甲烷的能力。

  • Abstract
    In order to explore the potential of methanogenic bacteria in Longquan coalbed methane field to degrade methane production in bituminous coal,the enrichment and domestication of methanogens in Longquan coalbed methane field was studied.The laboratory study as well as pilot study on the degradation of coal gas production by methanogens was carried out with Longquan mine bituminous coal as parent material.The results showed that the concentration of methanogenic degradation of bituminous coal increased from 8.2% to 19% after enrichment and domestication of methanogens,the cycle of gas production stability was shortened.In the pilot test,the methanogenic concentration was up to 27.06%,and methane production rate was 0.159 mL/(g·d).By supplementing yeast powder,nitrogen sources,phosphates,magnesium salts,vitamins,and trace elements during the stage of gas recession,the activity of the methanogenic flora could be reactivated and methanogenesis concentration could be increased.The results show that enrichment and domestication of methanogenic bacteria in Longquan coal seam can significantly improve its ability to degrade bituminous coal to produce methane; supplementing nutrients during the decline of fermentation gas production can activate methanogenic bacteria and restore its ability to degrade bituminous coal to produce methane.In the recession period of pilot fermentation gas production,yeast powder,nitrogen source and phosphorus salt were added to the fermenter.Magnesium salts,vitamins and trace elements can reactivate the activity of the methanogenic flora and make it reduce the concentration of methane produced by bituminous coal.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coalbed methane; methane producing bacteria; activation of functional flora; gas production simulation;anaerobic fermentation regulation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    山西省煤层气联合研究基金资助项目(2016012009);山西省煤基重点科技攻关资助项目 (MQ2014-03)
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 中试厌氧发酵罐(200L)

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