• 全部
  • Title

    Reasonable parameters of roof cutting entry retaining in thin immediate roof and large mining height fully-mechanized face

  • 作者


  • Author

    YUAN Chaofeng1,2 ,YUAN Yong1,2 ,ZHU Cheng1,2 ,MENG Chaogui1,2

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院

  • Organization
    1. State Key Laboratory of Coal Resource and Safe Mining,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou  221116,China; 2. School of Mines,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou  221116,China
  • 摘要

    针对薄直接顶大采高工作面顶板垮落后不能及时充满采空区,造成上覆厚硬顶板在工作面侧向形成悬臂梁结构,进而向留巷侧传递覆岩压力导致留巷围岩破坏失稳的现象,以某矿12408工作面薄直接顶、厚硬基本顶条件为工程背景,采用理论分析、数值模拟和现场监测相结合的研究方法,研究了薄直接顶大采高综采工作面切顶留巷合理参数。建立了留巷顶板的力学模型,量化了未贯穿面的拉应力与切顶高度和切顶角度的关系,确定了未贯穿面拉应力随切顶高度和切顶角度的变化规律,得出了切顶角度一定时,未贯穿面处的拉应力与切顶高度近似指数函数规律分布,拉应力随切顶高度的增大而增大,且增长速率逐渐加快;切顶高度一定时,未贯穿面处的拉应力随切顶角度的变化曲线呈抛物线形,随着切顶高度增大,未贯穿面处的拉应力超过极限所需的切顶角度的范围也增大。数值模拟方法分析了留巷中锚索轴力变化系数的变化规律、区段煤柱和相邻巷道竖直方向应力的分布特征,确定了11m的切顶高度和大于0°的切顶角度即可切断顶板间的应力传递。现场考虑到实际岩层赋存条件的复杂多变、爆破后切缝面的不平整性和贯通程度的差异性以及保证厚硬顶板在矿山压力作用下顺利垮落,采用13.6 m的切顶高度和10°的切顶角度,结合顶板垮落后的碎涨系数,理论验证了顶板垮落后的高度大于工作面实际高度,即垮落顶板能够及早支撑上覆岩层,减轻覆岩运动对留巷和煤柱稳定性的影响。现场监测到巷道顶底板及两帮变形量较小,围岩较稳定,验证了数值模拟结果的可靠性以及切顶卸压技术的可行性,可为类似条件的切顶留巷提供借鉴和参考。

  • Abstract
    At the large height mining face with thin immediate roof,the goaf cannot be timely filled after roof caving, the overlying hard-and-thick roof forms a cantilever beam structure laterally on working surface,and the overburden pressure is transmitted to roadway,which causes the surrounding rock to be unstable. Taking the condition of thin immediate roof and hard-and-thick basic roof at the 12408 working face of a mine as the engineering background,using a combination of theoretical analysis,numerical simulation and on-site monitoring,the reasonable parameters of the roof cutting entry retaining at the fully-mechanized mining face with the thin immediate roof and large mining height are studied. The roof mechanical model of the roof cutting entry retaining is established. The relationship between the ten- sile stress of the non-penetrating surface (TSNPS) and the cutting height and cutting angle is quantified,and the vari- ation of TSNPS with the height and angle of cutting top is determined. It is concluded that TSNPS and the cutting height are approximately exponential distribution when the cutting angle is fixed,TSNPS increases with the increase of the cutting height,and the growth rate gradually increases. When the cutting height is constant,TSNPS changes along with the cutting angle in a parabolic shape,as the cutting height increases,the range of the cutting angle required to exceed the limit of TSNPS also increases. The numerical simulation method is used to analyze the variation law of the axial force variation factor of the anchor cable,the distribution characteristics of the vertical stress of section coal pillar and adjacent roadway,and determine that the cutting height of 11 m and the angle of more than 0 degree can cut the stress transfer. Considering the complex and varied conditions of rock formation,the unevenness of the slit surface after blasting,the difference in the degree of penetration and the smooth fall of the thick-and-hard roof under the pressure of the mine,the site uses a 13. 6 m cutting height and a 10 degree cutting angle. Combined with the bulking coefficient, the theory verifies that the roof caving height is greater than the actual height of the working face,that is,the roof ca- ving can support the overlying strata early and reduce the influence of overburden movement on the stability of the roadway and coal pillar. On-site monitoring shows the deformations of the roof and floor and two sides of the roadway are small,and the surrounding rock is relatively stable. The reliability of the numerical simulation results and the feasi- bility of roof cutting and pressure relief are verified,which can provide a reference for the roof cutting entry retaining with similar conditions.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    thin immediate roof;fully-mechanized face with large mining height;pressure relief by roof cutting;cutting top parameters;axial force coefficient of variation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    YUAN Chaofeng,YUAN Yong,ZHU Cheng,et al. Reasonable parameters of roof cutting entry retaining in thin immedi- ate roof and large mining height fully-mechanized face[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(7):1981-1990.
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  • 图表
    • 12408工作面布置

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