Development status and prospect of geological guarantee technology for precise coal mining
YUAN Liang1,2 ,ZHANG Pingsong1,2
中国煤炭学会 矿井地质专业委员会安徽理工大学
Under the condition of limited green coal resources,precise mining and intelligent mining are the only way for future green mining,in which the technical system of geological support is an important foundation. This paper sys- tematically analyzes the present situation of mine geological support technological system in China from the aspects of coal mine basic geology and its exploration,comprehensive geophysical exploration,geological drilling,mine geological information technological platform and so on,and puts forward the development direction of coal mine geological sup- port technology under the mode of precise and intelligent coal mining. With regards to the use of technical platform such as big data,cloud computing,internet and the like,and various earth science information such as geological sur- vey,drilling,geophysical exploration,geochemical exploration,GIS and the like,the guarantee technological system of all-space and all-round geological dynamic model is constructed based on sky,ground,borehole,underground,mining working surface,long drilling hole and the like. It will provide the necessary transparent geological conditions for accu- rate and intelligent coal mining. The research and development of three-dimensional and four-dimensional geophysical precise detection methods and the development of intelligent instruments for positive and passive source comprehensive detection and imaging based on seismic,electrical,magnetic,nuclear,acoustic,optical and other physical parameters is proposed for realizing the accurate identification of mine geological conditions. An integrated monitoring and prediction identification system from detection to monitoring should be developed,and integrated with driving machinery and coal mining machinery to intelligently predict and monitor the geological factors affecting mining. Combined with the APP of mobile intelligent terminal,the cooperative management of well position,scene,object,human,equipment and other man-machine sharing in the process of coal resources development is completed step by step to realize a high degree of information and intelligence,and effectively ensure the safety and efficiency of coal mine production. Also,a large- scale simulation experiments and technical research,and the training of high-quality compound geological professionals are proposed so as to achieve an innovative development and technical lead and constantly promote the new develop- ment in the coal resource development and utilization.
China coal;mine geology;guarantee technology;precision intelligent mining
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会