• 全部
  • Title

    Floor precise grouting for prevention and control of water based on confined water single-hole drainage experiment

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Tao1,2 ,GAO Ying1,2 ,AI Dechun1,2 ,YANG Junwei1,2 ,FENG Hai3 ,XUE Weifeng3 ,ZHAO Guojie4

  • 单位

    矿山地质灾害成灾机理与防控重点实验室六盘水师范学院 矿业与土木工程学院陕西煤业化工技术研究院有限责任公司澄合矿业有限公司

  • Organization
    1. Key Laboratory of Mine Geological Hazards Mechanism and Control,Xi’an  710065,China; 2. School of Mining & Civil Engineering,Liupanshui Normal University,Liupanshui  553004,China; 3. Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Technology Institute,Xi’ an  710065,China; 4. Chenghe Mining Co. ,Ltd. ,Weinan  714000,China
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The North China type coalfields are generally threatened by the floor confined water,and the grouting trans-formation of floor is an effective way to prevent and control the confined water disaster. However,most of the grouting transformation layers are heterogeneous limestone,and the grouting conditions are difficult to ascertain,so the efficien-cy of grouting is limited. In order to improve the effect of prevention and control of floor water hazards,the floor precise grouting based on confined water single-hole drainage experiment had been studied. The Weibei Coalfield,especially Dongjiahe Coal Mine in Chenghe Mining Area was taken as the research background. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of floor water hazard prevention and control in the study area,and combined with the connotation of floor precise grouting,a single-hole drainage experimental device and its supporting application technology had been developed. On the basis of single hole drainage experiment,combined with dominant surface water inrush theory,the floor classification grouting technology had been proposed. The results show that the single-hole discharge experiment can be realized by setting a constant flow control valve,and the permeability coefficient K and water enrichment coeffi-cient q of confined water can be obtained. Combined with the design of circumferential incomplete wells,the main run-off direction in the horizontal direction of confined water can be obtained. According to the hydrological parameters ob-tained from the single-hole discharge experiment and based on the dominant surface theory of water inrush,grouting conditions can be divided into five categories and seven sub-categories, including non-water-rich type, Q-S curve straight line type I,Q-S curve straight line type II,Q-S curve parabola type I,Q-S curve parabola type II,Q-S curve power function type,and Q-S curve logarithmic type. According to the importance of different grouting conditions,each type of grouting technology was proposed. The application in engineering practice shows that the grouting project using classified grouting technology improves the efficiency and effectively controls the floor water hazard. The research re-sults provide new technology and equipment for the prevention and control of confined water hazards in the floor of North China Coalfield.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    floor;confined aquifer;drainage experiment;grouting;precise coal mining

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    LI Tao,GAO Ying,AI Dechun,et al. Floor precise grouting of prevention and control of water based on confined water single-hole drainage experiment[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(8):2494-2501.
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