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  • Title

    Research progress in formation mechanisms of super-thick coal seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Dong-dong1 ,SHAO Long-yi2 ,LIU Hai-yan1 ,SHAO Kai3 ,YU De-ming1 ,LIU Bing-qiang2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. College of Earth Science and Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao  266590,China;2. College of Geoscience and Survey-ing Engineering,China University of Science and Technology(Beijing),Beijing  100083,China;3. Shannxi Coalbed Methane Development Company Limited, Xi’an  710119,China
  • 摘要
    为了研究超厚煤层(厚度大于40 m)的形成机制,许多煤地质学家进行了较为深入的研究,获得了丰硕的成果。传统的煤地质学理论认为,泥炭沼泽水面上升速度与植物遗体堆积速度长期处于均衡补偿状态便可以形成厚煤层,甚至厚度达数百米。将这些厚煤层按照一定的压缩比例恢复成泥炭厚度,则可达数千米;然而现今见到的单层泥炭厚度最厚不超过20 m;这种超厚煤层成因解释势必造成古代和现代泥炭堆积之间的巨大矛盾。异地堆积成因模式,从泥炭(煤)再搬运的角度解释了一些超厚煤层的成因,这些超厚煤层大都发育在断陷盆地内;多煤层叠加成因模式,从多期泥炭沼泽演化、泥炭层叠加的角度解释了一些超厚煤层的成因,这些超厚煤层大都发育在坳陷盆地内。这些模式可以用将今论古的思想解释现代和古代的泥炭沼泽发育特征的一致性。一个超厚煤层的形成,也可能是一种或多种成因机制共同作用的结果。然而,是否存在其他的成因模式,上述成因模式发育的控制因素和作用机理,如何准确而深入的挖掘超厚煤层内部蕴含的丰富地质信息,还有待于进一步深入研究。
  • Abstract
    In order to study the super-thick coal seam (thickness greater than 40 m) formation mechanism,many coal geologists have carried out some thorough researches,and have gained some fruitful results. Based on the traditional coal geology theory,if the peat mire water rising rate and plant body accumulation rate were in a state of equilibrium compensation for a long-term,it can form a thick coal seam,even the thickness can reach hundreds of meters. The peat thickness,according to certain compression ratio,can amount to thousands of meters,and the modern single peat thick- ness was no more than 20 m. This causes a huge contradiction between ancient and modern peat accumulation. The al- lochthonous accumulation genetic model, from the perspective of peat ( coal) rehandling, explains the formation of some super thick coal seam,which are mostly developed in the fault basin. And the more stacked coal seam genetic model,from the angle of peat layer overlay,explains the formation of some super thick coal seam,which are mostly developed in the depression basin. These models can help to reconcile the Law of Uniformitarianism with modern and ancient peat mire development. The formation of a super thick coal seam,also may be the result of the joint action of one or more genetic mechanism. However,many ways have yet to be studied in-depth,for example,whether there are other genetic models,the control factors and the mechanism of genetic models,and the abundant geological information contained in super thick coal seams.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    super thick coal seam;isostatic compensation;allochthonous accumulation;more stacked coal seam;hiatal surfaces within coal seam;formation mechanism

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Wang Dongdong,Shao Longyi,Liu Haiyan,et al. Research progress in formation mechanisms of super-thick coal seam[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2016,41(6):1487-1497.

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