Reshaping slope form of grassland coal mine dump based on natural slope model
LI Heng1 ,LEI Shaogang1 ,HUANG Yunxin1 ,CHENG Wei1 ,DENG Biao2 ,ZHANG Zhouai3
中国矿业大学 矿山生态修复教育部工程研究中心神华北电胜利能源有限公司神华宝日希勒能源有限公司
在采矿活动中,由于传统的排土场边坡模型并不能很好的融入当地周围环境,导致排土场的水土流失现象十分严重,因此需要对边坡进行地形重塑,以减少土壤损失量,提高边坡保土能力,使排土场能与周围环境相协调。近自然地形重塑以未受扰动的地形作为参照,构建出符合当地侵蚀过程所形成的地形模型,在国内外地形重塑中有诸多应用。根据近自然地形重塑理论及统计学原理,以胜利矿区为研究区,提取并分析该地区自然边坡的特征参数,并以此构建了反S型边坡模型,利用WEPP模型对比分析反S型边坡模型和原排土场边坡模型,验证了反S型边坡模型的优势。研究发现:① 提取胜利矿区的自然边坡剖面线进行分析,分析结果表明胜利矿区主要的边坡坡型为反S型边坡,在此基础上提出了凸面水平占比和凸面竖直占比两个新的边坡特征参数,并对反S型边坡的特征参数进行提取。② 分别对胜利矿区陡坡部分和缓坡部分的边坡特征参数进行相关性分析和曲线拟合,在此基础上分别构建了陡坡部分和缓坡部分的反S型边坡模型,发现陡坡部分的反S型边坡模型中凸面和凹面在竖直方向上的分割点位于黄金分割点附近。③ 以陡坡部分的反S型边坡模型对胜利矿区排土场边坡的特征参数进行设计,向WEPP模型中输入胜利矿区气候、土壤、植被覆盖等数据后,在不同坡高和不同模拟年份的条件下对构建的边坡模型与原排土场边坡模型进行水蚀分析,结果表明随着坡高和模拟年份的增加,反S型边坡模型的保土能力和长期稳定性明显优于原排土场边坡模型,可以依据反S型边坡模型对排土场边坡进行设计。
The traditional slope model of the waste dump cannot be well integrated into the surrounding environment in mining area,which leads to serious soil and water loss in the dump. Therefore,it is necessary to reshape the landform of slope to reduce the soil loss,improve the soil conservation ability of the slope,and make the dump be able to coordi- nate with the surrounding environment. Near-natural topographic reconstruction takes undisturbed landform as refer- ence to construct a landform model in line with local erosion process,which has many applications in topographic rconstruction at domestic and overseas. Based on the theory of near-natural topographic reconstruction and the principle of statistics,this paper takes Shengli mining area as the research area,extracts and analyzes the characteristic parame- ters of the natural slope in this area,and constructs the anti-S type slope model. WEPP model is used to compare and analyze the soil retention ability and long-term stability of the anti-S slope model and the original dump slope model, and the advantages of the anti-S slope model are verified. The specific results are as follows:① the characteristic pa- rameters of the natural slope of Shengli mining area are extracted for analysis,and the results show that the main side slope type of Shengli mining area is anti-S slope. On this basis,two new slope characteristic parameters,convex hori- zontal ratio and convex vertical ratio are proposed,and the characteristic parameters of anti-S slope are extracted. ② Correlation analysis and curve fitting of slope characteristic parameters of steep slope and gentle slope in Shengli min- ing area are conducted respectively. On this basis,the anti-S type slope model of steep slope and gentle slope is con- structed respectively,and it is found that the dividing point of concave and convex in the vertical direction in anti-S slope model of steep slope is located near the golden section ratio. ③ The anti-S type slope model of the steep slope is used to design the characteristic parameters of the slope of the dump in Shengli mining area. After input data of Sheng- li mining area in WEPP model,such as climate,soil,vegetation data,the water erosion analysis is carried out on the constructed slope model and the original dump slope model of the dump under the condition of different slope height and different simulation years,the results show that with the increase of slope height and simulated years,the anti-S type slope model has a better soil retention capacity and long-term stability than the original dump slope model,which can be used as the basis for the design of dump slope.e
near-natural topographic reconstruction;slope characteristic parameters;WEPP model;golden section rati- o;Shengli mining area
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会