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  • Title

    Experimental research on supercritical CO2 enhanced coalbed methane recovery in different rank coals

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIANG Weiguo1,2 ,ZHANG Beining3 ,HE Wei1,2 ,YAO Hongbo1,2

  • 单位

    太原理工大学 矿业工程学院太原理工大学 原位改性采矿教育部重点实验室华能煤炭技术研究有限公司

  • Organization
    1. College of Mining Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan  030024,China; 2. Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan  030024,China; 3. Huaneng Coal Technology Research Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing  100070,China
  • 摘要

    我国不同变质程度的煤层中均蕴含大量的煤层气资源,注超临界CO2驱替煤层气是解决目前深部煤层气开发困难有效途径之一。为研究超临界CO2在不同变质程度煤体中驱替开采CH4的效果,利用尺寸为100 mm×100 mm×200 mm的原煤试件,在恒定的温压(50 ℃,25 MPa)条件下,以10 MPa超临界CO2驱替压力对4种不同变质程度的煤(弱黏煤、气煤、1/3焦煤和无烟煤)展开试验研究,结果表明:① 不同煤阶煤的孔隙发育程度和孔隙形态有较大差异,弱黏煤、气煤、1/3焦煤和无烟煤包含的主要孔隙类型分别为墨水瓶型孔隙、楔形孔/平行板孔、楔形孔/平行板孔、狭缝型孔,微孔的D-R(Dubinin-Radushkevich)比表面积为无烟煤>弱黏煤>气煤>1/3焦煤;② 煤渗透率受成矿地质环境和构造活动等导致的煤体结构、变质程度、裂隙发育程度、煤岩组成等多种因素的影响,在相同的有效应力下,4种测试煤样渗透率随变质程度升高而逐渐降低,驱替过程中CO2注入量也随变质程度升高而降低,在25 MPa围压、10 MPa注入压力条件下,弱黏煤、气煤、1/3焦煤和无烟煤的渗透率分别为4.58×10-18,2.75×10-18,0.91×10-18和0.05×10-18 m2,驱替实验结束时,CO2注入量分别为18.13,6.45,5.01和0.78 mol;③ 超临界CO2驱替效果与煤变质程度、渗透率和孔隙类型密切相关,4种煤试件的CH4产出率和CO2储存量均为气煤>1/3焦煤>弱黏煤>无烟煤。

  • Abstract
    Due to the difference in geological genesis and pore fissure structure,the permeability and the effect of enhanced coal bed methane recovery in different rank coals are variable. To study the effect of supercritical CO2 en- hanced CH4 recovery in different rank coals,some experiments were conducted in weakly caking coal,gas coal,1 / 3 coking coal and anthracite,respectively. Four coal specimens in the dimensions of 100 mm×100 mm×200 mm were in- vestigated at the temperature of 50 ℃ and the confining stress of 25 MPa. Supercritical CO2 injection pressure was maintained at 10. 0 MPa. The experimental results showed:① The pores configuration and porosity are different for the four different rank coals. The main pore type in the weakly caking coal is ink-bottle pore,anthracite is narrow -slit pore,while the pore types of gas coal and 1 / 3 coking coal are wedge pore or parallel plate pore. Anthracite and weakly caking coal have relatively high pore surface areas of 259. 651 0 m2 / g and 154. 066 9 m2 / g respectively,while gas coal and 1 / 3 coking coal have relatively low pore surface areas of 71. 235 9 m2 / g and 41. 420 1 m2 / g respective- ly. ② Coal permeability was affected by many factors such as coal structure,coal rank,fracture, coal composition, etc. ,due to ore-forming geological environment and tectonic activity. Permeabilities of four tested coal samples de- creased with the coal rank,and the permeabilities in weakly caking coal,gas coal,1 / 3 coking coal and anthracite were 4. 58×10-18 ,2. 75×10-18 ,0. 91×10-18 and 0. 05×10-18 m2 ,respectively at 10 MPa injection pressure. CO2 injection a- mounts decreased with coal rank,which were 18. 13,6. 45,5. 01 and 0. 78 mol in the weakly caking coal,gas coal,1 / 3 coking coal and anthracite,respectively. ③ The results of CH4 recovery rate and CO2 sequestrated volume show that gas coal is better than 1 / 3 coking coal,weakly caking coal and anthracite. The effect of supercritical CO2 enhanced CH4 recovery of gas coal and 1 / 3 coking coal with wedge pore or parallel plate pore,low surface area and medium per- meability is relatively good,which is a comprehensive expression of pore configuration,porosity and permeability in dif- ferent rank coals.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    CBM recovery;supercritical CO2 displacement;different rank coal;CO2 storage in coal bed

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    LIANG Weiguo,ZHANG Beining,HE Wei,et al. Experimental research on supercritical CO2 enhanced coalbed meth- ane recovery in different rank coals[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(1):197-203.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 原位改性采矿教育部重点实验室的MCQ-Ⅱ型超临界CO2驱替煤层CH4装置

    图(1) / 表(0)


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