Discussion on the technology architecture and key basic support technology for intelligent mine edge-cloud collaborative computing
JIANG Deyi ,WEI Like ,WANG Chong ,FAN Jinyang ,REN Yiwei
重庆大学 煤矿灾害动力学与控制国家重点实验室重庆大学 资源与安全学院应急管理部 信息研究院
随着工业互联网在全国各行各业落地应用,相关标准、体系和架构正在日趋完善,然而单一的云计算架构在不同领域应用中所暴露出来的问题也日益明显。在分析从数字矿山建设到智慧矿山建设进程中所采用的主流架构后,发现目前主流架构将无法满足日益增长的煤矿智能化的需求。为了科学设计智慧矿山建设的技术架构,基于煤矿五大业务域的数据特点,系统性地将煤矿领域的数据划分为两大类(边缘计算类和云计算类),并以此为基础融合目前工业互联网领域提出的4层技术架构特点,设计了基于边缘云协同计算架构的智慧矿山技术架构体系。最后提出了保证该技术架构落地的3项解决方案:① 利用OPC UA技术提供一个具有统一性、跨层安全性和可扩展的架构来解决数据融合分析时面临的信息孤岛问题,保障了边缘计算数据和云计算数据跨层级交互能力;② 通过建设具有有界传输时延、低传输抖动和极低数据丢失率的时间敏感网络,并凭借其时间同步、数据调度、负载整形等多种优化机制,来保证时间敏感数据的实时、高效、稳定、安全传输,可以为数字孪生等未来新的智能化需求提供有效的解决方案;③ 在云端和边缘端分别部署相应的防护手段,同时在边缘侧与云端之间部署基于物理隔离技术的单向网闸等方式既保证了煤矿边缘云协同计算技术的安全防护能力又满足了煤矿智能化的实际需求。
With the application of industrial internet in all walks of life in China,relevant standards,systems and archi- tectures are becoming increasingly perfect. However,the problems exposed by the single cloud computing architecture in different applications are also increasingly obvious. After analyzing the mainstream architecture in the construction process of coal mine from digital mine to smart mine and considering the demand of future intelligent business,it is found that the single cloud computing architecture can no longer meet the growing demand of intelligent coal mines.Based on the data characteristics of five business areas of coal mines,the data of coal mine field is systematically clas- sified into two types,one suitable for edge computing and another for cloud computing. On this basis,a smart mining technology architecture system based on edge cloud collaborative computing architecture is designed by integrating the characteristics of the current four-layer technology architecture proposed in the field of industrial Internet. Finally, three solutions are proposed to ensure the implementation of the technical framework:① OPC UA technology is used to provide a unified,cross-layer security and extensible architecture to solve the problem of information island in data fu- sion analysis,ensuring the cross-layer interaction between edge computing data and cloud computing data. ② A time- sensitive network with the properties of bounded transmission delay, low transmission jitter and low data loss rate should be built,whose optimization mechanisms of time synchronization,data scheduling,load shaping and other opti- mization mechanisms would ensure the real-time,efficient,stable and safe transmission of time-sensitive data and pro- vide an effective solution for the digital twin and other new intelligent needs in the future. ③ Corresponding protection means are respectively deployed on the cloud and the edge end. Meanwhile,one-way network gate based on physical i- solation technology is deployed between the edge side and the cloud side,which can not only ensure the safety protec- tion capability of the edge-cloud collaborative computing technology of coal mine,but also meets the actual needs of in- telligent coal mine.
edge-cloud computing;industrial internet;intelligent mine;data governance
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会