Roadway hydraulic support for rockburst prevention in coal mine and its application
PAN Yishan ,XIAO Yonghui ,LI Guozhen
辽宁大学 物理学院辽宁工程技术大学 力学与工程学院
针对现有巷道支护难以抵抗冲击地压产生的强震强冲作用从而造成支护失效、巷道垮塌及人员伤亡这一难题,基于巷道围岩-支护系统的静力学与动力学理论分析,提出了防冲支护设计的6项原则,即让位阻力可变原则、让位位移可变原则、让位刚度可变原则、让位频率可变原则、让位速度可变原则和让位能量可变原则。研制了具有吸能功能的巷道防冲液压支架,通过实验室试验对支架防冲装置中的诱导式预折纹构件进行了吸能特性研究,得到:单节防冲构件平均让位阻力1820 kN,让位位移100 mm,让位刚度和频率为0,让位速度为2.3 m/s,让位吸能为182 kJ;双节防冲构件平均让位阻力为2 010 kN,让位位移为200 mm,让位刚度和频率为0,让位速度为2.2 m/s,让位吸能为402 kJ,2种构件的实验结果都达到防冲液压支架的技术参数要求。进一步,对防冲液压支架在耿村煤矿井下的支护状态与吸能防冲效果进行了监测与分析,发现:防冲液压支架在ML3.0级强震过程中让位最大达16 cm,发挥了预期的吸能防冲作用,同时间接地证明了防冲支护设计原则的合理性。
In view of the problem that the existing roadway support is difficult to resist the strong earthquake and strong impact of roadway and thus causes support failure,roadway collapse and casualties,the static and dynamic analysis of roadway surrounding rock-support system is carried out,and the six principles of rock burst prevention support design are put forward,namely,the design with variable abdicating resistance,the design with variable abdicating displace- ment,the design with variable abdicating stiffness,the design with variable abdicating frequency,the design with varia- ble abdicating velocity and the design with variable abdicating energy. The roadway hydraulic support for rock burst prevention with energy absorption function is developed. In addition,the buckling and energy absorption characteristics of inducement and prefolded component in rock burst prevention device of support are studied through laboratory ex- periments. The results show that the single section rock burst prevention component ’ s abdicating resistance is 1 820 kN,abdicating displacement is 100 mm,abdicating stiffness and abdicating frequency are 0,abdicating velocity is 2. 3 m / s and abdicating energy absorption is 182 kJ. The two-section rock burst prevention component’s abdicating resistance is 2 010 kN,abdicating displacement is 200 mm,abdicating stiffness and abdicating frequency are 0,abdi- cating velocity is 2. 2 m / s and abdicating energy absorption is 402 kJ. The experimental results of two components meet the technical parameters requirements of rock burst prevention hydraulic support. Furthermore,the support state, energy absorption and rock burst prevention effect of rock burst prevention hydraulic support in the underground of Gengcun coal mine are monitored and analyzed. It is found that the maximum abdicating displacement of rock burst prevention hydraulic support is 16 cm in the process of ML3. 0 strong earthquake,which plays the expected role of en- ergy absorption and rock burst prevention,and indirectly proves the rationality of rock burst prevention support design principles.
rock burst;rock burst prevention support;rock burst prevention hydraulic support;rock burst prevention design
1 巷道防冲支护理论分析
1.1 巷道围岩-支护静力学模型分析
1.2 巷道围岩-支护动力学模型分析
2 支架支护防冲功能设计6项原则
2.1 让位阻力可变原则
2.2 让位位移可变原则
2.3 让位刚度可变原则
2.4 让位频率可变原则
2.5 让位速度可变原则
2.6 让位能量可变原则
3 多功能防冲装置设计与性能研究
3.1 多功能防冲装置的组成及功能要求
3.2 诱导式预折纹构件制作方法
3.3 防冲构件吸能特性试验研究
4 巷道防冲液压支架研制及井下试验研究
4.1 巷道防冲液压支架研制
4.2 冲击地压破坏巷道支护宏观对比
4.3 大震级冲击地压发生后同样地段防冲支架和普通支架支护对比
4.4 冲击地压发生后多功能防冲装置让位变形吸能情况
5 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会