• 全部
  • Title

    Status and progress of coking wastewater advanced treatment technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    HE Xuwen,ZHANG Siyu,HE Can

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing),Beijing ,China
  • 摘要

     焦化废水是一种典型的高浓度难降解有机废水,具有污染物成分复杂、污染物浓度高、可生化性较差、毒性大、色度高、水质波动大等特点。由于焦化废水COD浓度高,且含有酚、酯、氰、吲哚、吡啶、长链烷烃等大量难降解有机污染物,传统的“预处理+生化处理”组合工艺无法满足新的焦化废水排放标准GB 16171—2012《炼焦化学工业污染物排放标准》,因此亟待寻求稳定、经济及资源化的深度处理工艺,以满足提标排放。基于此,综合了近几年国内外关于焦化废水水质特性、排放标准、单元处理技术等方面的研究成果;总结了目前焦化废水深度处理技术,如移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)、曝气生物滤池(BAF)、混凝法、高级氧化技术及膜分离技术的应用现状;指出仅靠单一生物化学或物理化学处理技术很难满足达标排放或废水回用要求;提出采用“氧化预处理+MBBR+(磁)混凝”、“(磁)混凝/过滤+臭氧催化氧化”以及“(磁)混凝+高级氧化+双膜处理”3种高效经济的焦化废水深度处理新型组合工艺,并成功应用于实际工程。根据焦化废水水质条件,因地制宜地选择或开发具有处理效果好、技术先进、操作简便等优势的组合工艺是今后焦化废水深度处理技术的发展趋势。

  • Abstract
    Coking wastewater is a kind of typical high concentration refractory organic wastewater, which has the characteristics of complex pollutant composition, high pollutant concentration, poor biodegradability, high toxicity, high chroma and great fluctuation of water quality. Due to the high concentration of COD in coking wastewater and the large amount of refractory organic pollutants such as phenol, ester, cyanogen, indole, pyridine and long-chain alkane, the traditional combined process of “pretreatment+biochemical treatment” can not meet the new coking wastewater discharge standard GB 16171—2012 Emission Standard of Pollutants for Coking Chemical Industry. Therefore, it is urgent to find a stable, economic and resource-based advanced treatment process to meet the emission standards. Based on this, the authors summarize the research results of water quality characteristics, discharge standards and unit treatment technology of coking wastewater at home and abroad in recent years, summarize the current advanced treatment technology of coking wastewater, such as MBBR, BAF, coagulation, advanced oxidation technology and membrane separation technology, and point out the single biochemical technology or the physicochemical treatment technology is difficult to meet the discharge or wastewater reuse requirements.Three new combined processes of high-efficiency and economic coking wastewater advanced treatment, namely “oxidation pretreatment + MBBR + (magnetic) coagulation”,“magnetic/coagulation/filtration+ozone catalytic oxidation” and “magnetic/coagulation+advanced oxidation+double membrane treatment”, are proposed and successfully applied in practical projects. According to the water quality conditions of coking wastewater, it is the development trend of coking wastewater advanced treatment technology in the future to select or develop the combined process with advantages of good treatment effect, advanced technology and simple operation according to local conditions.
  • 关键词

    焦化废水 废水处理 高级氧化技术 膜分离技术

  • KeyWords

    coking wastewater; wastewater treatment; advanced oxidation technology; membrane separation technology

  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 氧化预处理+MBBR(移动床生物膜反应器)+磁混凝深度处理焦化废水工艺

    图(4) / 表(0)


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