• 全部
  • Title

    Experimental research on the effect of H2 S solution on pore structure of low-rank coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHENG Xiaoqian1,2 ,TIAN Jijun1,2 ,WANG Haichao1,2 ,ZHANG Yuyao1,2 ,HAO Huili1,2 ,ZHANG Zhiheng1,2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. School of Geological and Mining Engineering,Xinjiang University,Urumqi  830047,China; 2. CBM Engineering Technology Research Center,Urumqi 830047,China
  • 摘要


  • Abstract
    Based on the special geological phenomena that the high concentration of hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) exists in coal seam and coal measure water in many low-rank coal mining areas in Xinjiang,the low-rank coal of Shaerhu coal mine was taken as the basic study object. The experimental procedure consists of coal samples preparation,high pres- sure mercury injection porosimetry ( HPMIP ) and field emission scanning electron microscope ( FESEM) before acidization,H2 S solution preparation, sample solution immersion and HPMIP and FESEM after acidization. The acidization of the H2 S solution and coal was physically simulated,and the dynamic change of pore structure before and after H2 S solution acidizing was studied in detail. The results show that after the H2 S solution acidizing,the total pore volume of coal increased by 23. 09% ,the macropore volume increased substantially by 66. 10% and the mesopore vol- ume increased by 4. 86% ,which indicated that the pore connectivity was significantly improved. The pore types before and after acidization were dominated by open pores,and the open pores volume increased significantly by 21. 18% af- ter acidization. The change of total pore specific surface area was not obvious before and after acidization,the increase of pore specific surface area of micro- and transition pores were 0. 42% and 1. 37% respectively,and the increase of pore specific surface area of macropores was 60. 00% . After the H2 S solution acidizing,the fractal dimensions of ther- mal model decreased which demonstrated that the pore surface became smoother, while fractal dimensions of the Menger sponge model increased which demonstrated that the pore space morphology and structure became more com- plex. The improvement mechanism of the H2 S solution on coal pore structure is mainly derived from the following two aspects:the positive effect caused by the dissolution of carbonate minerals in the coal,which increase the pore volume; the negative effect caused by clay minerals which can disperse,expand,and precipitate into the pores,that reduce the connectivity of the pores. However,the effect of positive effect was larger than the negative effect,indicating the total pore volume of coal increased and the pore connectivity improved. after acidization was compared and analyzed,and the improvement mechanism of coal pore structure was also revealed. The research results are helpful to reveal the cor- relation between the high concentration of H2 S and high CBM production.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    low-rank coal;H2 S solution;acidization;pore volume;fractal dimension

  • DOI
  • Citation
    CHENG Xiaoqian,TIAN Jijun,WANG Haichao, et al. Experimental research on the effect of H2 S solution on pore structure of low-rank coal[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(4):1436 -1444.
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