• 全部
  • Title

    Quantitative characterization of complex assembly in fractal pore-throat porous media

  • 作者


  • Author

    JIN Yi1,2 ,QUAN Weizhe1 ,QIN Jianhui1 ,LIU Xianhe1 ,ZHENG Junling1 ,SONG Huibo1

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 资源环境学院中原经济区煤层(页岩)气协同创新中心

  • Organization
    1. School of Resource and Environment,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo  454000,China; 2. The Collaborative Innovation Center of Coalbed Methane (Shale Gas) of Central Plains Economic Region,Jiaozuo  454000,China
  • 摘要




  • Abstract
    The pore structure of natural reservoirs is complex,where the coexistence of pores and throats and their scale-invariance distribution have been widely observed. Although the fractal dimension D is easy to obtain by the clas- sical number-size model Rns or its variants,it is hard to guarantee that the many-to-one relationship between Rns and D is unique for reverse modeling. Meanwhile,the unclear nature in complexity types and their assembly patterns of fractal objects causes the effective characterization of the complex pore structure in natural reservoir very difficult. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance for a clear understanding of the complexity types to quantitatively represent their as- sembly pattern in fractal pore-throat porous media,because all these would affect the occurrence and migration of oil and gas significantly. The newly emerged fractal topography points out that a fractal set is a dual-complexity system,in which the original complexity and behavioral complexity are coexisting but independent to each other. In other words, the former determines the scaling type of single or multi scale,phase,and type,while the latter decides the scale-invar- iant properties of self-similarity,self-affinity,and multifractality. In this study,the authors identify the complexity types in fractal pore-throat porous media,and clarify the original complexity composed of pore,throat and its connectivity. In addition,the authors propose an approach to effectively represent the original complexity of pore-throat coupling geom- etries by Voronoi model,define the scale-invariance behavioral complexity as per the fractal topography theory,and de- velop an algorithm for the quantitative representation of fractal pore-that porous media. Thereafter,the authors model the fractal pore-throat porous media with diverse complexity assembly,investigate the effects of original and behavioral complexities of the total complexity of pore structure,analytically derive the estimation models of porosity and specific surface area,and verify the validity of the novel algorithm.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fractal topography;fractal pore-throat porous media;dual-complexity system;original complexity;behavior- al complexity

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    JIN Yi,QUAN Weizhe,QIN Jianhui,et al. Quantitative characterization of complex assembly in fractal pore-throat por- ous media[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(5):1845-1854.
  • 图表
    • 泰森多边形的构建过程

    图(7) / 表(0)


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