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  • Title

    Parameters optimization test of mine transient electromagnetic method and application of advanced detection

  • 作者

    牟义 李江华徐慧 马志超崔金亮张永超

  • Author

    MU Yi, LI Jianghua, XU Hui, MA Zhichao, CUI Jinliang, ZHANG Yongchao

  • 单位

    煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司 安全分院炭资源高效开采与洁净利用国家重点实验室北京市煤矿安全工程技术研究中心

  • Organization
    1.Mine Safety Technology Branch,China Coal Research Institute, Beijing ,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization(China Coal Research Institute), Beijing ,China;3.Beijing Mine Safety Engineering Technology Research Center, Beijing ,China
  • 摘要


    结果表明:矿井瞬变电磁法采用6.25 Hz的发射频率、32次叠加以及中密度采集方式,对采空区及积水区超前探测较好;将该采集优化参数应用到晋城矿区井下超前探测,以王台铺矿超前探测应用为例,发现掘进工作面前方存在明显的1处高阻异常体和2处低阻异常体,且分界面明显,其与查明的小煤窑巷道分布区基本重合,后经过打钻验证,正前方50 m之外的高阻异常区见空,通过钻孔透视发现,为小煤窑采空区且无积水,后退30 m,向右侧帮1处低阻异常区打钻,打到深度35 m遇空出水,水量较大,为采空区积水,取得较好探测效果;根据在鄂尔多斯地方煤矿、临汾地方煤矿、晋煤集团、朔州地方煤矿等井下探测总结的经验,一般视电阻率位于30 Ω·m以下推断为含水异常,30 Ω·m以上推断为不含水正常岩层,更高则推断为高阻异常。

  • Abstract
    In order to accurately detect the gob and the water-bearing area in advance, and ensure the safe excavation of the coal mine, the mine transient electromagnetic method was used to detect and compare the test in the known water-bearing gob, and the electric field response characteristics of different parameters to the mined-out gob were analyzed. A set of data acquisition parameters suitable for the detection of the water level, the number of superpositions and the acquisition density were optimized and the optimized parameters were applied to the practice of underground advance detection, the front gob and water-bearing gob area were successfully discovered. The results showed that the mine transient electromagnetic method used the emission frequency of 6.25 Hz, 32 superposition and medium density acquisition methods, and it was better to detect the gob and the water-bearing area; The acquisition optimization parameters were applied to the underground exploration in Jincheng Mining Area. Taking the advanced detection application of Wangtaipu mine as an example, it was seen that there was an obvious high-resistance anomaly and two low-resistance anomalies in front of the face, and the interface was obvious, which was basically the same as the identified distribution area of small coal mine roadway. After drilling and verification, the high-resistance anomaly area 50 m ahead of the front was empty, and it was found through the borehole fluoroscopy that it was a small coal mine gob and there was no water. When retreating 30 m backward, a low-resistance anomaly area was drilled to the right side, hitting a depth of 35 m with effluent, large amount of water, and the water was collected in the gob, which has a good detection effect. According to the exploration and summary experience of local coal mine in Ordos, Linfen local coal mine, Jinmei Group, Shuozhou local coal mine and other underground mines, the apparent resistivity value was generally below 30 Ω·m, which was inferred to be water-containing anomaly, and 30 Ω·m or more was inferred to be a normal rock formation without water, and higher than that would be inferred to be a high-resistance anomaly.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    advance detection;gob;transient electromagnetic method; transmitting frequency; number of superposition; sampling density;mine

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