• 全部
  • Title

    Characteristics and control technology of water inrush from deep coal seam floor above confined aquifer in Xingdong Coal Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Pengpeng 1,2 ,ZHAO Yixin 1,2 ,JIANG Yaodong 1,3 ,ZHANG Cun 1,2 ,ZHANG Dangyu 4 , YANG Junhui 5 ,LIU Wenchao 1,2 ,ZHAI Jiangpeng 1,2

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 共伴生能源精准开采北京市重点实验室中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院冀中能源集团有限责任公司冀中能源股份有限公司 邢东矿

  • Organization
    1. Beijing Key Laboratory for Precise Mining of Intergrown Energy and Resources,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing 100083,China; 2. School of Energy & Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing 100083,China; 3. School of Mechanics &Civil Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing 100083,China; 4. Jizhong Energy Group Corporation Limited,Xingtai 054000,China; 5. Xingdong Mine,Jizhong Energy Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Xingtai 054000,China
  • 摘要

    针对深部带压开采工作面区域注浆治理后底板突水仍频发的难题,以邯邢矿区邢东矿深部带压开采为工程背景,通过现场调研和理论分析已突水工作面突水过程和开采地质条件,获得了邢东矿深部带压开采底板突水特征和影响因素,确定了邢东矿深部带压开采底板突水主控因素;应用弹塑性力学理论从动静载角度分析了不同来压步距对底板破坏深度和宽度影响规律,进而采用数值模拟研究不同来压步距下底板应力场和塑性区演化规律。研究结果表明:工作面顶板剧烈来压突水是邢东矿深部带压开采底板突水主要特征,顶板难以及时垮落是其关键诱因;随来压步距增大,底板应力集中带和卸荷应力拱逐渐向底板深部岩体传播扩展,顶板垮落易产生强烈来压动载效应,底板采动破坏深度和宽度增大,诱发隐伏导水构造活化及深部岩体破坏,贯通底板隐伏构造带等导水通道诱发底板突水。为此,提出了顶板水力压裂卸压以及底板微震监测、采动应力监测、围岩变形监测和承压水水位监测等多参量监测的防治技术。现场监测表明,试验工作面顶板水力压裂后周期来压步距缩短为9.53 m,相比邻近未压裂工作面减小了61.42%,来压动载系数、应力集中系数和围岩变形速度均较小,奥灰水位相对稳定,未形成底板突水通道,底板突水得到有效控制。

  • Abstract

    To overcome the problem that the water inrush still occurs frequently from the coal seam floor after regional advanced treatment in deep mining above high confined water,the water inrush process and geological conditions of water inrush working faces in Xingdong Coal Mine of Hanxing mining area in recent years are analyzed by site investigation and theoretical analysis. The characteristics and influence factors of floor water inrush are investigated to determine the main controlling factors of floor water inrush. Based on elastic-plastic mechanics theory,the influence of different roof weighting steps on the floor failure depth and width is analyzed under the dynamic and static combined loading. Furthermore,the evolution law of floor mining stress field and floor plastic zone under different roof weighting steps are numerically simulated and analyzed. The results show that the violent site roof weighting result in water inrush is the key feature of floor water inrush,which is primarily induced by the stable roof in Xingdong Coal Mine. With the increase of roof weighting step,the stress concentration zone and the unloading stress arch gradually spread deeper to the floor rock mass,and the dynamic load occurs strongly when the roof collapses. The activation of concealed water conducting structures and the failure of deep rock masses is induced by the superimposition of static and dynamic loads. The floor failure zone connects easily with the water conducting channels such as the concealed structural zone. Therefore,the roof control technology using the hydraulic fracturing to prevent the floor water inrush as well as the multi parameter monitoring including microseismic monitoring,stress monitoring,surrounding rock deformation monitoring and the confined water level monitoring are proposed. The results on site monitoring show that the average periodic weighting step of the test face after the roof hydraulic fracturing is 9. 53 m,which is 61. 42% less than that of the adjacent working face without roof hydraulic fracturing. The dynamic load coefficient of periodic weighting,stress concentration coefficient and the deformation velocity of surrounding rock are smaller,and the Ordovician limestone water level remains stable,while the floor water inrush channels has not been formed. The floor water inrush is effectively controlled by the proposed control technology.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    deep mining above aquifer;characteristics of floor water inrush;hydraulic fracturing;multi parameter monitoring;early warning and prevention

  • DOI
  • Citation
    WANG Pengpeng,ZHAO Yixin,JIANG Yaodong,et al. Characteristics and control technology of water inrush from deep coal seam floor above confined aquifer in Xingdong Coal Mine[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(7):2444-2454.
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