Similarity experiment of dust concentration influencing factors at unloading port in multiple level of high ore pass
WANG Jiuzhu,JIANG Zhongan,WANG Yapeng
为了治理由冲击气流造成溜井卸矿口粉尘污染问题,利用能量交换分析了高溜井卸矿过程中粉尘产生机理,并通过高速摄像仪捕捉了粉尘的动态产生过程,理论分析了不同因素对高溜井卸矿口粉尘质量浓度的影响机理。在几何相似的基础上,通过量纲分析导出了相似实验所需满足的准则数,利用亚克力材料建立了可视化多中段高溜井卸矿相似实验平台,对不同影响因素下卸矿口粉尘质量浓度分布规律进行了研究。研究表明,与现场数据对比后,验证了相似实验的可行性;多中段高溜井卸矿后,与三、四中段卸矿口粉尘污染相比,一、二中段卸矿口粉尘污染较小,三、四中段粉尘质量浓度峰值分别可达295,345 mg/m3,而且粉尘质量浓度随着时间增加呈先增加到峰值后稳定一段时间再下降的趋势;不同影响因素对三、四中段卸矿口密度峰值持续时间影响较大,除卸矿流量1.2 kg/s外,随着卸矿流量、卸矿高度增加,粉尘质量浓度峰值持续时间增大,而随着矿石粒径、含水率的增加,粉尘质量浓度峰值持续时间降低;卸矿口全尘、呼尘质量浓度整体上与卸矿流量、卸矿高度呈正相关,但流量过大也会出现粉尘质量浓度突然降低的现象。卸矿口全尘、呼尘质量浓度与矿石粒径、含水率呈负相关,当含水率达到3.56%时,卸矿口全尘与呼尘的密度基本趋于稳定,不再降低;不同影响因素下,呼尘质量浓度约为全尘密度的31.0%~37.5%。
To control the dust pollution of unloading port in ore pass caused by the impact air flow,the dust generation mechanism in the process of discharge in high ore-pass was analyzed by means of energy exchange,and the dynamic dust generation process was captured by high-speed camera,the influence mechanism of different influencing factors on the dust concentration in unloading port was analyzed. On the basis of geometric similarity,the number of criteria to be satisfied in similar experiment was derived through dimensional analysis,and a visual similar experiment platform for unloading ore in multiple level of high ore pass was established by using acrylic materials,at the same time,the distri- bution law of dust concentration in the unloading port under different conditions was studied. The results show that the feasibility of similar experiment was verified by comparing with field data. Compared with the dust pollution at the discharge ports of the third and fourth levels,the dust pollution at the discharge ports of the first and second levels is smaller after the discharge of the multiple level of high ore pass,the peak dust concentration at the third and fourth levels can reach 295 mg / m3 and 345 mg / m3 respectively,and with the increase of time,the dust concentration first in- creases to the peak and then stabilizes for a period of time and then decreases. Different influencing factors have great influence on the peak concentration duration of the unloading port in the third and fourth middle levels,except for the discharge flow rate of 1. 2 kg / s,the peak duration of dust concentration increases with the increase of discharge flow rate and discharge height,while the peak duration of dust concentration decreases with the increase of ore particle size and water content. The total dust and respirable dust concentration of unloading port are positively correlated with the height of ore discharge and unloading rate,however,the phenomenon of sudden decrease of dust concentration also oc- curs when the flow rate is too large. The total dust and respirable dust concentration negatively correlated with ore par- ticle size and moisture content,when the moisture content reaches 3. 56% ,the concentration of total dust and respira- ble dust in the unloading port basically tends to be stable and no longer decreases. The respirable dust concentration is about 31. 0% -37. 5% of the total dust concentration under different factors.
dust concentration;unloading port;high ore pass;impact air flow;theory of similarity
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会