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    [1] 方全国,皮中原. 煤炭质量检测技术发展与应用展望[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):1-5.

    FANG Quanguo,PI Zhongyuan. Development and application prospect of coal quality inspection technology[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):1-5.

    [2] 解强. 有关煤炭检测技术的发展思考[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):6-12.

    XIE Qiang. Some points on the development of coal testing techniques[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):6-12.

     [3] 皮中原,张连强,隋艳. 煤炭全自动制样系统关键技术与应用[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):13-17.

    PI Zhongyuan,ZHANG Lianqiang,SUI Yan. Key technologies and application of coal automatic sample preparation system[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):13-17.

    [4] 王阳阳. 基于颗粒回溯技术的煤炭缩分效果判断方法研究[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):18-23.

    WANG Yangyang. Research on judgment method of coal division effect based on particle backtracking technology[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):18-23.

    [5] 王化阳. 直接法测定固体生物质燃料中汞的试验研究[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):24-28.

    WANG Huayang. Study on determination of mercury in solid biofuels by direct method[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):24-28.

    [6] 石勇丽,张凯. 郑州煤中汞的含量分布及赋存状态研究[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):29-33.

    SHI Yongli,ZHANG Kai. Research on distribution characteristics and occurrence state of mercury in Zhengzhou coal[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):29-33.

    [7] 赵波,魏宁. 陕西煤中氟的含量分布及赋存形态研究[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):34-39.

    ZHAO Bo,WEI Ning. Study on content distribution and occurrence form of fluorine in Shaanxi coal[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):34-39.

    [8] 张太平,朱琦妮,范志斌,等. 煤炭全自动制样系统主要质量评价指标的研究[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):40-46.

    ZHANG Taiping, ZHU Qini, FAN Zhibin,et al. Study on the quality evaluation index of fully automatic coal sample preparation system[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):40-46. 

    [9] 倪琳,李衍方,崔小峰,等. 激光诱导击穿光谱强度与灰成分元素含量的线性关系[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):47-51.

    NI Lin,LI Yanfang,CUI Xiaofeng,et al. The linear relationship between spectral intensity and elements in laser-induced breakdown

    spectroscopy[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):47-51. 

    [10] 王和平,朱学海,张国光. 无胶带一体式全自动智能火车采样机在阳煤集团的应用[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):52-57.

    WANG Heping,ZHU Xuehai,ZHANG Guoguang. Application of non-belt integrated automatic train sampler in Yangquan Coal Industry Group[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):52-57. 

    [11] 张琦. 测量不确定度评定过程中合成标准不确定度的3 种计算方式探讨[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):58-61.

    ZHANG Qi. Discussion on three calculation methods of synthetic standard uncertainty in the process of measurement uncertainty evaluation[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):58-61.

     [12] 张伟,任祥军. 湿煤黏附机理及其样品制备关键技术[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):62-66.

    ZHANG Wei,REN Xiangjun. Adhesion mechanism and key techniques for sample preparation of moist coal[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):62-66. 

    [13] 张仲焘,任率,黄志昆. 基于GPS 定位的智能转运小车的应用研究[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):67-71.

    ZHANG Zhongtao,REN Shuai,HUANG Zhikun. Research on the application of intelligent transfer vehicle based on GPS positioning[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):67-71.

     [14] 刘晓川,罗彬彬,闫爱峰,等. 采用动态斜率法准确测定煤中氟的实验对比研究[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):72-75.

    LIU Xiaochuan,LUO Binbin,YAN Aifeng,et al. Experimental comparison research of accurate determination of fluorine in coal by dynamic slope method[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):72-75. 

     [15] 管嵩,金伟,史高兴,等. 红外吸收法测定石油焦中的硫含量[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):76-79.

    GUAN Song,JIN Wei,SHI Gaoxing,et al. Determination of sulfur content in petroleum coke by Infrared-adsorption method[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):76-79.

    [16] 徐玉山,白欣田,周平,等. 全自动制样系统在铝土矿行业的应用[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):80-83.

    XU Yushan,BAI Xintian,ZHOU Pin,et al. Application of fully automatic sample preparation system in bauxite industry[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):80-83.

     [17] 孔令燕,倪烽程,卢畅. 不同空气干燥法在煤质分析中的应用探究[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):84-89.

    KONG Lingyan,NI Fengcheng,LU Chang. Research on application of different air drying methods in coal quality analysis[J]. Coal Quality Technology,2020,35(6):84-89. 

    [18] 王惠芳. 煤中氟测量结果不确定度评定[J]. 煤质技术,2020,35(6):90-93.

    WANG Huifang. Evaluation of uncertainty of measurement results for fluorine determination in coal[J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2020,35(6):90-93.

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