• 全部
  • Title

    Ecological environment rehabilitation management model and key technology in Plateau Alpine Coal Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Tong,DU Bin,LI Congcong,WANGHui,ZHOU Wei,WANG Hong,LIN Zhongyue, ZHAO Xin,XIONG Tao

  • 单位

    中国煤炭地质总局西安科技大学地质与环境学院中国煤炭地质总局勘查研究总院中国煤炭地质总局航测遥感局中国地质大学( 北京) 土地科学技术学院中煤科工集团北京土地整治与生态修复研究院中煤地质集团有限公司

  • Organization
    China Administration of Coal Geology; School of Geology and Environment,Xi’an University of Science & Technology; General Prospecting Institute,China Administration of Coal Geology; China Coal Aerial Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Group Co. Ltd.,; School of Land Science and Technology,China University of Geosciences Beijing; Land Remediation and Ecological Rehabilitation Engineering China Coal Technology and Engineering Group; China Coal Geology Engineering Corporation
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Ecological management and environmental restoration of mines are necessary conditions to ensure the sustainable development of resource mining.The ecological restoration of the plateau alpine coal mine area involves many scientific issues such as coal resource exploration and development and protection,frozen soil,water resources,meadow wetland,soil,vegetation,ecological environment,etc.,which is difficult.According to the requirements of problem orientation,scientific precision,centralized rectification,and classified policy implementation,and following the concept of “landscape,forest,field,lake and grass are a community of life”,research on the ecological environment problems existing in open-pit coal mining in Muli mining area found that the current ecological environment in the mining area The problems include landscape destruction,vegetation destruction,land destruction and occupation,frozen soil destruction,water system wetland destruction and water accumulation in mining pits,groundwater aquifer destruction,land desertification and soil erosion,and unstable slopes.Aiming at the 8 major ecological environmental problems caused by coal mine development in the past,guided by the theory of coal ecological geological exploration,5 key technologies have been comprehensively studied and formed,namely:topographic and landform remodeling technology,soil reconstruction and vegetation restoration technology,water system natural Connecting technology,coal resource protection technology,comprehensive slope stability monitoring technology,comprehensively using the above technologies,systematically plan the management of pit slag hills,vegetation restoration,water environment and resources,etc.,and comprehensively remediate the ecological environment of the mining area.Four key management models for ecological restoration with plateau and alpine characteristics are water system connection,water diversion and filling,key layer reconstruction,and mountainous situation and landscape coordination.According to the comprehensive treatment idea of “geology+ecology”,natural restoration+engineering treatment",the treatment engineering practice is combined with the stability of the slopes of each well slag mountain,the transmission of the water system and the accumulation of water in the mining pit,and the state of resource occurrence.Seven treatment methods of “one pit and one policy” were finally formed:slope step improvement+partial re-greening of the bottom of the pit+water diversion to form plateau lakes (Juhu Geng No.3 Well),plateau lakes formed by retaining the water accumulated in the mining pit+Renovation of slope and slag hill+cover soil to restore vegetation+regular hydrological monitoring (Jvhu Geng No.4 Well),partial backfilling of mining pits to form terraces+slope and slag hill renovation+vegetation restoration+natural connection of surface water system (Juhu Geng No.5 Well),resource protection+slope and slag mountain remediation+mining pits to form plateau lakes+water system natural connection+vegetation restoration (Juhu No.7 well),slope and slag mountain leveling+vegetation restoration+retention of plateau lakes+Natural connection of water system (Juhu Geng No.8 well),resource protection+mining pit backfilling+slope cutting and beautification+landform restoration in harmony with the surrounding environment (Juhu Geng No.9 well),mining pit backfilling+side slope shaping+pit Bottom leveling+landscape coordination (Duosuo Gongma District).Explore the path of integrated restoration and governance of the ecological environment in the open-pit coal mine area,and get effective application in the practice of ecological restoration and governance in the Muli mining area,in order to realize the ecological environment of the mining area and the surrounding natural environment of Qilian Mountain The integration has laid the foundation and provided a reference for the restoration and management of the ecological environment of coal mines in the plateau and alpine regions.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    plateau alpine region,coal eco-geological exploration,ecological restoration,governance model,one pit and one policy,Muli mining area

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    中国煤炭地质总局“高原高寒地区煤炭生态地质勘查与矿山生态修复技术研究”资助项目(中煤地办科技2020-88 号);国家自然科学基金资助项目(41977415)
  • 引用格式
    WANG Tong,DU Bin,LI Congcong,et al.Ecological environment rehabilitation management model and key technologies in plateau alpine coal mine[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(1):230-244.
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