Mechanical mechanism of pore fluid on coal dynamic disasters under cyclic loading
ZHANG Zhenyu,ZHONG Chunlin,XUE Kangsheng,QIN Qizhi
重庆大学 煤矿灾害动力学与控制国家重点实验室Geofluids Geomechanics and Geoenergy (3G) Research Group,重庆大学山东兖矿集团有限公司
为研究回采工作面前方不同支承压力区煤体在循环外载的扰动下孔隙流体对煤岩动力灾害孕育的力学作用机制,开展了不同孔隙压力(1,3 和5 MPa)与轴向循环应力水平(饱和煤岩三轴强度的50%与80%)煤岩的循环加卸载排水实验研究。研究发现,当最大循环加载应力水平为三轴强度的50%时,煤岩的轴向与径向应力应变曲线在孔隙压力1 MPa 和3 MPa 下变化不显著,表明煤岩内部都没有产生大量的损伤裂纹。但随着孔隙压力上升为5 MPa,煤岩轴向和径向应变在循环加载过程中变化相对显著,说明孔隙流体参与了其中的力学变形机制。同时发现,试件的残余径向应变在循环加载过程中逐渐减小,这是由于煤岩内部部分孔隙裂隙在循环荷载作用下被压实,孔隙流体排出所致,且孔隙压力越大,径向收缩效应越明显。当最大循环加载应力为煤岩三轴强度的80%时,煤岩在加载过程中发生失稳破坏,且破坏速度与孔隙压力正相关。随着孔隙压力上升到5 MPa,煤岩试件遭到严重破坏,试件被大裂隙完全贯通。而且,高孔隙压力促使宏观裂隙之间产生大量的煤岩碎屑和煤粉。细观结构分析显示该应力状态下的煤岩在循环加载后孔隙度显著增加,且煤岩加载后孔隙度的增量随孔隙压力的升高而增大。以上结果显示,距离工作面较远的煤体首先经受低幅值循环外载作用,孔隙流体的排出导致煤体在水平方向发生收缩变形,一方面会减小煤层局部的渗透性;另一方面会降低煤层水平应力,从而降低煤岩的三轴抗压强度。而排出的孔隙流体在煤体中发生局部迁移和富集,当流体富集区域经受后期高幅值循环外载作用时容易形成局部高孔隙压力,进而改变煤层受力状态,加速煤岩动力灾害的孕育,加剧煤体在动态失稳中粉末化。
To investigate the mechanical role of the pore fluid played in the gestation stage of coal dynamic disaster,a series of drained triaxial cyclic loading tests under different pore pressures (1 MPa,3 MPa and 5 MPa) and stress levels (50% and 80% of the triaxle axial strength of saturated coal) were carried out on saturated coal specimens.When the maximum cyclic loading stress is at the 50% of the triaxle axial strength of the coal,the axial and radial stress-strain curves of coal have no obvious change under 1 MPa and 3 MPa pore pressure,indicating that there are no substantial cracks produced in coal.When the pore pressure increases to 5 MPa,the axial and radial strains of coal change significantly with the proceeding of cyclic loading.Therefore,the difference of stress-strain curves above is attributed to the pore fluid.It is also found that the residual radial strain gradually decreases during the cyclic loading.This is caused by the pore and crack compaction in coal.As a result,the pore fluid is discharged during the cyclic loading.When the maximum cyclic loading pressure increases to 80% of the triaxial strength of the coal,the coal specimen fail,and this coal failure rate is positively correlated with the pore pressure.When the pore pressure increases to 5 MPa,the coal is severely damaged with large going-through cracks.Also,prominent small coal debris and powder are produced among the macro cracks.Microstructure analysis shows that the porosity of coal increases significantly after cyclic loading,and the greater the pore pressure,the greater the increase in porosity.The above results show that the coal far away from the working face undergoes low amplitude cyclic loading,and causes the coal shrinkage occurs along the horizontal direction due to the discharge of pore fluid.On one hand,such coal shrinkage reduces the permeability of the coal seam regionally.On the other hand,it reduces the horizontal stress,thereby reducing the triaxial compressive strength of the coal,favorable for coal weakening.Meanwhile,the discharged pore fluid migrates and accumulates regionally in the coal seam.Once the coal of the fluid accumulation zone undergoes a high-level stress in the later mining stage,high pore pressure would be easily developed,which in turn changes the stress state of coal and speeds up the gestation of dynamic disasters.
coal dynamic disasters;pare fluid;cyclic loading;pore pressure;damage evolution
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会