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  • Title

    Analysis on the deployment of mining research supported by the grant program of Deep Resources Exploration and Mining

  • 作者


  • Author

    FAN Jun, ZHANG Jialin, QIN Yuan, WANG Hao, GAO Yanan, PEI Yongzhi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    The Administrative Centre for China’s Agenda 21; School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,China University of Mining and & Technology
  • 摘要

    国家重点研发计划“深地资源勘查开采”重点专项(以下简称“深地专项”)是落实我国深部资源开发科技战略的重要载体。针对我国1 000 m以深资源开采理论和技术支撑不足的现状,深地专项针对性设置资源开采板块,按照“全链条设计,一体化实施”的要求,对基础研究、共性关键技术研发和示范应用研究任务进行了统筹部署。在基础研究方面,深地专项重点支持深部岩体力学与开采理论研究,包括深部岩体原位力学行为、深部高应力诱导与能量调控理论等;在共性关键技术研发方面,针对煤矿和金属矿特点,重点支持矿井建设及提升、井下掘进及破岩、开采方法及工艺、开采安全及防护等工程技术的研究;在示范应用方面,以绿色、安全、高效为出发点,重点支持深部低废高效机械化充填采矿等具有行业引领作用的示范工程的建设。专项自2016年启动以来,已累计在资源开采板块部署10个项目,涉及中央财政专项经费2.35亿元,带动企业和地方投资4.8亿元,122个单位参与相关项目研究工作及应用示范。专项的实施将为构建我国深部资源开采理论和技术体系,提升我国深部资源获取能力提供强有力科技支撑。

  • Abstract

    The Deep Resources Exploration and Mining(DREAM) grant program, within the framework of The National Key Research and Development Program grants, is a pillar to implement China’s science and technology strategy in the area of deep resources exploitation. To tackle the insufficient of theories and technologies for the 1000-meter-deep mining, a section of mining, covering the research of basic theories, general technologies and application demonstration, was arranged in the layout of DREAM under the principle of “whole chain design, integrated implementation”. In the aspect of basic research, DREAM mainly focused on the deep rock mechanics and mining theory, such as the in-situ mechanical behavior of deep rock, deep high stress induction and energy regulation theory. For the general and key technologies, DREAM supported the research on the mine construction and hoisting, excavation, rock breaking, mining methods and mining safety according to the characteristics of coal and metal mines. For the demonstration application, taking green, safe and efficient as the starting point, DREAMaimed at the green, safe and high efficiency mining, and the demonstration and leading role projects such as the low-waste and high-efficiency back fill mining. Since 2016, 10 R&D projects have been funded, and 122 institutional participants with a total budget of RMB 235 million from the central government and RMB 480 million from enterprises as well as local governments have been involved. It is expected that the mining section of DREAM would contribute to establishing the theory and technology system in the area of deep mining and promoting the ability of deep resource exploitationin China.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    resource of deep earth; mining; theory; general technology; application demonstration

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
    樊俊,张家林,秦媛,等. “深地资源勘查开采”重点专项资源开采板块研究任务部署分析[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2021,49(3):1–7.
    FAN Jun,ZHANG Jialin,QIN Yuan,et al. Analysis on the deployment of mining research supported by the grant
    program of Deep Resources Exploration and Mining[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration,2021,49(3):1–7.
  • 相关文章

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