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  • Title

    Composite hazards prevention with breaking coal seam and roof by super high pressure water jet

  • 作者


  • Author

    YI Enbing,ZHANG Yongjiang

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 能源科学与工程学院瓦斯灾害监控与应急技术国家重点实验室中煤科工集团 重庆研究院有限公司

  • Organization
    School of Energy Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University; State Key Laboratory of the Gas Disaster Detecting,Preventing and Emergency Controlling; China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Chongqing Research Institute
  • 摘要

    针对高地应力、低透气性煤与瓦斯突出及具有冲击地压危险性煤层复合煤岩动力灾害防治的难题,研究了超高压水射流横向切割煤层、纵向切割预裂顶板防治复合煤岩动力灾害技术。理论分析了超高压水射流切割煤岩体机制,超高压水射流切割冲击煤岩体促使其内部产生剪切应力和拉伸应力,加速煤岩体内部裂纹产生与扩展,促使煤岩体沿轴向和径向发生破坏。揭示了超高压水射流防治复合煤岩瓦斯动力灾害原理,超高压水射流横切是指切割煤体卸压增透,纵断是指切割顶板卸荷消能。通过相似材料配比切割实验得到切缝压力100 MPa,喷嘴直径2.5 mm,钻杆旋转速度60 r/min,单刀割缝时间为10 min条件下,切缝深度最大可达152 cm。数值分析表明钻孔内割缝间距为2 m和割缝钻孔间距为8 m时,卸压增渗效果较好。综合分析确定超高压水射流横切煤层纵断顶板合理工艺技术参数,并应用于中煤新集二矿220108工作面灾害防治实践:切割煤体后单孔平均抽采纯量较未割缝钻孔提高3.5倍,煤层透气性系数较未割缝区域提高30倍,瓦斯抽采达标时间缩短38%,煤体支撑压力降低35%;切割顶板后工作面支架阻力分布在20~25 MPa,厚层坚硬顶板均匀垮落,未出现高能量远场动载荷冲击采场现象,表明超高压水射流切割煤岩体显著降低远、近场应力载荷,减弱煤岩瓦斯复合动力灾害的发生。

  • Abstract
    Coal seam with high ground stress and low permeability is high likely to outburst especially as it has high rockburst possibility.In order to prevent this problem,this paper studied the technique of ultra-high pressure water jet.The ultra-high pressure water jet could cut the coal seam transversely and longitudinally.The transverse cut refers to the stress relief of coal body,and the longitudinal cut refers to the stress relief of rock.The failure mechanism of coal and rock under ultra-high pressure water jet cutting is analyzed theoretically.With the ultra-high pressure water jet cutting,shear stress and tensile stress occur in coal and rock mass,which accelerates the generation and expansion of cracks in coal and rock mass.Then,coal and rock would break along the axial and radial direction of water jet cutting.Similar simulation experimental data show that the cutting depth is 152 cm with 100 MPa water pressure,2.5 mm nozzle diameter,60 r/min rotary speed of drill pipe,10 min water jet.Numerical experimental data show that the pressure relief is better with 2 m of two water jet point in a hole,and 8 m of two water jet holes.The ultra-high pressure water jet technique was applied in the 220108 working face in Xinji No.2 Coal Mine.The extraction of gas in single hole with ultra-high pressure water jet cutting increases 3.5 times of single hole without ultra-high pressure water jet cutting,what is more,the permeability coefficient of coal seam increases 30 times,the time of gas extraction is shortened by 38%,the pressure of coal seam is reduced by 35%,the pressure of shield is distributed from 20 to 25MPa.No high energy seism occurs during the breakage of rock strata.Those demonstrate that the ultra-high pressure water jet significantly reduces the rock and gas composite dynamic disaster.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ultra-high pressure water jet;composite coal rock dynamic disaster;slit;drainage scalar;stress mon-itoring

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 超高压水射流切割煤岩体机制

    2 超高压水射流防治复合煤岩动力灾害原理

    3 超高压水射流切缝实验

    4 超高压水射流切煤岩数值分析

      4.1 钻孔内不同切缝间距分析

      4.2 不同钻孔间距切缝分析

      4.3 切割弱化顶板分析

    5 复合动力灾害防治实践

      5.1 超高压水射流切割煤层及顶板方案

      5.2 复合灾害防治效果

    6 结论

  • 引用格式
    YI Enbing,ZHANG Yongjiang.Composite hazards prevention with breaking coal seam and roof by super high pressure water jet[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(4):1271-1279.
  • 图表
    • 70,80 MPa射流压力割缝深度

    图(14) / 表(0)


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